Wednesday, September 20, 2017

1st Grade Field Trip/Taron's Graduation

The first weekend of May was Taron's college graduation. I had planned to take a half of a day off and head up early, but as luck would have it Macie's field trip landed on the same day. And there was no way I was making her miss her field trip. So I went to work and Josh volunteered to attend Macie's field trip. I think that it being a tour of the Ranger's stadium had something to do with his willingness to volunteer! ha! Well that, and the fact that he's a great Daddy!
I think the pictures speak for themselves and prove that they had a great time!
Such sweet friends

She was so excited about the indoor playground that her teacher had told her about!

Goodness I love these two!
So as soon as school was out and I made it home, we loaded up the car and the girls and I were north bound to El Reno!
No road trip is complete without a selfie!!
And before I could even make it to Oklahoma, I was getting pictures like this!
My cousins are so mean!!! But it did motivate me to drive a little faster!
However, I realized as soon as I got there that my efforts to beat them to the pie were useless. Those pies were still intact when I walked in, and somehow intact when we went to bed that night! As it turns out- my cousins aren't the meanest ones......our Mimi is!!!! She wouldn't let us eat the pies! She "claimed" they were for Taron's graduation party the next day. But I really think she was just testing our self control. And as much as we pretend that she doesn't scare us... she kinda does! So we behaved so as not to cause a scene with so many people around, and stayed out of the pie. Hardest. Job. Ever!
We did enjoy a fun evening of visiting with family and just being together. I was so sad that Dad and Kathy couldn't make it due to him being sent out of town for work. But we soaked up every minute of family time with those that were there that we could.
The next morning was Taron's graduation! We were all up and dressed early to head over to Weatherford Oklahoma. We got there WAY early, which wasn't fun for her two youngest fans. (Thank you Lord for IPads!), but as we watched the stands fill and eventually overflow- we were so glad we did arrive early and get seats!
And eventually we got a glimpse of our Taron and her cow print hat!!
She had so many people there that day that loved and supported her.
Mimi, Taron, Grammy, and Grandy- Proud grandparents!

BEST sign ever!!! 

Taron's fan club!

Proud parents! And they have every right to be! She is an amazing young lady with morals, manners, and personality. Things you don't see in most people her age.
After the ceremony, we all migrated back to Mimi's house to start preparing for the big party that night. Everyone pitched in and the prep was no big deal at all. However, Bit and her great nieces disappeared for well over an hour to just go get candy for the piñata.... I hear there was a trip to Braums and TWO trips to Walmart involved....
Taron set up the cheese fountain! Yes- I said CHEESE fountain!
Her Grammy had a chocolate fountain that we added queso to and turned it into a cheese fountain! What more could you want in life than to have endless amounts of cheese dripping from a fountain?? Nothing in Taron's opinion! 
Grayson was more than willing to help "oversee" the cheese operation. I think he had alternative motives...
She had many friends and family come over and join us in celebration. We ate a ton of Mexican food, visited, laughed, watched the "kids" play outside, and FINALLY got to eat cherry pie!!!
My Uncle Byron- Gosh I love him!!

Me, Alisa, Kimberly, and my beautiful Aunt Susan!

If only these two loved their Aunt Bit.....

Mimi has gotten pretty good at selfies.

Oh Taron, If only there were adequate words to tell you what you mean to me. You have the best heart and personality. You are wise beyond your years. I am blessed to call you my cousin. You are going to do great things in life!

Mimi FINALLY let us in the Cherry Pie!!! And you better believe that we sent a picture to Dad!

Taron and I have taught him well.

What's a party without a piñata??

The piñata audience

I brought some outside toys for my girls to play with while we were there, but I think the big kids had just as much fun with them!

Next time we are going to get this crowd involved in the Velcro tennis ball game! 

Uncle Byron will always be one of the biggest kids I know.
After all of the food had been either eaten or stored, and the dishes done, and the cheese fountain cleaned (holy mess Batman!), we all ended up in the living room. Just visiting and enjoying each other. And possibly recovering from the day that was non stop activity!
I love these people! And I love to just sit and listen to all of the conversations that take place when we are together. It warm my heart in ways I can't describe.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a Mama and daughter duo that were as close as my Mama and I were....other than these two. I love watching their relationship and interaction. It reminds me so much of my Mama. And even though those memories sometimes leave me longing for her and that relationship also makes me super happy to witness. Because I know that they will treasure their closeness for many years to come. And it gives me something to look forward to with my own girls. 
Soon everyone left and went to their respective houses. Mimi, the girls, Aunt Bonnie, and I settled in for the night. We were all exhausted!!
The next morning I got some of my favorite time in... coffee time.
Just me an my Mimi. The girls had their breakfast and quickly went back to the bedroom to chill out before church. But I lingered as long as possible over my coffee and my Mimi. And of course my CHERRY PIE!!!
It was a great weekend of soaking up family time. It was too short, but I've never seen a trip full of family that wasn't too short. We have learned to make the best of the time we are given. And I treasure all of the memories that were made. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Relay for Life- 2017

Brenna was asked to join a Relay for Life team a year ago. But since I really didn't know what it was (other than knowing it was for cancer), I kind of let it slip by me and didn't get her registered in time. But thankfully Mrs. Joyce Horton talked to her about it again and got her excited about it, and reminded me to get her involved this year- and so we did!
I went into it kind of blind as to really what all they did except for raise funds for cancer. But as soon as Brenna heard"cancer" she was all IN! I absolutely LOVE this girl and her passion for helping other people with cancer. I firmly believe that what all she witnessed her MeMawMom go through had a far more significant impact on her than any of us ever realized. Sure- I knew it affected her. She LOVED her MeMawMom with all her heart. Probably loved her more than anyone else on this earth- me included! They were BFF. She was her MeMawMom's world (along with Macie). But when Brenna lost her MeMawMom- a spark was lit in her. A spark that wanted to keep anyone else from suffering and going to heaven like her MeMawMom did. Some people probably believe that Josh and I pushed her to have this desire...but that couldn't be farther from the truth. We only supported her. She donated her hair twice to help cancer patients, and requested to do something at the Cancer Center to help poeple. But I never could come up with the perfect idea for something for her to do (that SHE actually did, and not me). But then Relay came up- and it sounded like a great way for her to DO something.
So we got our packet from Mrs. Joyce and joined her team. (I was still unsure of what all they did at relay). Brenna needed to raise money for her team. So I set up her page, and decided the best way for her to do this was to accept donations. But I told her I wasn't going to ask for money for her, she had to do it herself! So she made a video and I posted it on facebook. In her video, she told why she wanted to do relay, and that she wanted to remember her MeMawMom and honor her Aunt Susan and Aunt Rhonda who were cancer survivors. And she said that she would love to raise "ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS" to help fight cancer! The words were all hers, and yall- she melted my heart! It was all I could do to not bust out crying right in front of her!
So I posted the video, and in the first night she more than doubled her goal! So the second night we made a second video and she raised her goal to 1,000! My Mama heart beamed with pride as she spoke, and again each night that she asked to look at her page and see how much she raised.
By the time Relay day rolled around, Brenna Grace Pool had raised over $1,200!
Relay day was a little uncertain due to the weather. We were forecasted to get some nasty weather at some point, and it was very gloomy looking. But we showed up with big smiles and ready to go!
She had lots of supporters that came by and cheered her on! Many of them even walked the first lap with her.
Nina was the first to arrive!

Pops and his girl

Graddy and his Tooter

Her smallest fans- Macie and Wyatt

We love our Mrs. Kathy!!
Look at that support system! One lucky little girl!

Her very first Relay for Life lap- doin' it for her MeMawMom!

It was beyond windy when Memaw got there, so a picture was next to impossible!
They had several themed laps that she loved!
Crazy hat lap

School spirit lap

Crazy Sock lap

Disney Lap
And Macie and I wore our Team MeMawMom shirts for support!
Her friend Jessica happened to be there with her dance team to perform, so she walked a lot of laps with Brenna.
They had different activities out on the field to go and do. Exercising, dancing, and games.

We were honored to be on Mrs. Joyce's team. She was such great support and encouragement for Brenna!

Brenna was super excited to see this sign. Thanks Mader-Bagley!
Brenna and I were both so honored to be a part of this wonderful event for these to precious women in our lives. I dug out one of my Sherry bracelets in honor of Mom. Even though I cut the one I wore during her battle and placed it with her at the funeral in honor of her winning her battle, I thankfully had several extras stashed away!
Unfortunately by the time that I signed Brenna up to participate in Relay, we already had our date set for our small crawfish get together at our house. So Brenna and I had to leave early. But after all was said and done, the relay ended not long after we left. The weather took a drastic cold turn and everyone was freezing due to the temperatures and the wind. So they postponed the closing activities until the wrap up party (which we did get to attend).
But Brenna and I were greeted by so many wonderful friends upon our arrival at home! After an emotional day on my part- it was great to see these wonderful ladies' faces!

And the crawfish boil was a great end to the day!!! My Mama would have been so proud!!

This man...My Daddy.... always in my corner, always cheering me on, always telling me his opinion (wanted or not), and above else- ALWAYS LOVING ME!