Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mimi's House-Summer 2016

When I asked the girls what they wanted to do this summer, the first thing they said (Macie especially) was "Go to Mimi's!" They thought we should get to leave as school was out on the last day. Because apparently we always go to Mimi's as soon as we get out of school for a holiday! And looking back... we do! I think we left for Mimi's as soon as they got out last year for Thanksgiving and Christmas break, and pretty quickly for Spring Break! It is our "escape" place. The girls enjoy going to spend time with Mimi, Aunt Susan, Taron, and Nolan. I enjoy those things too...but I also enjoy just getting away from the day to day. It's my happy place.
Since I had to work graduation this year, we couldn't leave as soon as school got out. And Brenna had volleyball camp that next week, so we had to wait until she was done with that as well. But we left as soon as the opportunity arose...which was Thursday morning!
Every trip to Mimi's starts with a selfie! Next stop...El Reno!
We got there mid afternoon, and enjoyed a long visit with Mimi and Taron. The girls don't waste any time dragging their toys out to play at Mimi's house!
Dinner time meant SIDS time!!!
Sorry Macie, that Oklahoma wind and my crazy hair didn't mix! 

When Johnsons go to SIDS, it is a requirement to send a picture to other Johnsons to make sure they know you are there and they are NOT! This picture went straight to my Daddy!! 
Since we ate an early dinner, we got home in time to play some CARDS! We called Aunt Susan to let her know we were back and awaiting her arrival. And while we waited, I caught Macie Claire wanting to be just like her Mimi...
Pretty sure her Mimi loves her as much as she loves her Mimi!
Lots of fun was had at the card table- as always! So much fun that I didn't get a single picture! I was too busy trying to beat my Mimi! We will just say....I should have taken time for pictures because my efforts were useless...
Friday morning called for a trip to Target so that I could look for something our Target was out of. So we grabbed some lunch at McAllisters, did some Target shopping, and then stopped by WalMart because.....CHERRY PIE!!!!
Not sure if our Mimi just really loves us, or if she thinks we are completely and totally insane in our cherry pie obsession... But either way...CHERRY PIE!
I'm not really certain that it's all about the cherry pie.... I think a lot of it has to do with the three of us (and Brenna) in the kitchen with our Mimi. In fact, I'm certain that it is mostly about this right here...
I wonder if the first generation of Johnson kids got to lick the spoon??

Ok- and maybe some of it is about this right HERE!!
One thing is for at Mimi's house is always full of laughs and memories...
That afternoon we just hung around and eventually broke out the cards- as usual. We made some dinner, Aunt Susan came over, and we played some more cards.....because we ARE Johnsons!
And no card game is complete without PIE!
Why yes-  Taron, Nolan, Brenna and I ate almost an entire cherry pie in one evening. And I'm not even a little embarrass about that. Mimi also kept us up super late at the card table....She's good at that.
Saturday morning we decided to fulfill the girl's desire to go feed the ducks. That is their favorite thing to do at Mimi's house. And she always "conveniently" has an entire loaf of old bread for them to take and feed the ducks with. Pretty sure she plans it that way..
They had a blast!

This picture melts me.
Their other request is to go play on the merry go round at another park by Mimi's house. 
Mimi enjoyed the park....from the comfort of the air conditioned car! The girls got hot quickly and were ready to head back to the house for lunch an resting.
We were all ready for some rest that afternoon. We put on Designing Women and I did Mimi's ironing while we all watched tv. And my reward for finishing the ironing??
PIE of course! Duh!
I sent this to Dad along with this next picture to show him our current situation..
That night, dinner and more cards ensued. It's a rough job, but somebody's gotta do it!!! Mimi kept us up until after MIDNIGHT! She's a party animal I tell ya! Us young'uns were eating pie and drinking cokes just to keep up with her!
On Sunday morning, the girls and I headed home by 9 so that we could make it to the Middleton's for a swim party. As always, it's hard to leave Mimi's house because we know we will miss her, but it was time to get home to see Daddy!

It's just a bookshelf, right?

When Aunt Kim was cleaning out her classroom, she asked if I wanted a book shelf for the girls. At first, I told her I didn't have anywhere to put one. And in all honesty I didn't think we needed one. I knew we had a collection of books, but didn't think we had enough to fill up a whole book shelf. But after she told me about this one that she had, and the story behind it, I knew that whether we needed it or not, we were getting it.

This book shelf was built for my Mom and Aunt Kim when they were little (50+ years ago). It sat at my Mamaw's house for years until it found its way to its new home in Aunt Kim's classroom. Many Kindergarten and 1st grade books have graced the shelves of this bookcase. And I LOVE that my girls now get to enjoy it! It's not just a bookshelf, it's our bookshelf full of sentiment and memories.
I had NO idea that we had this many books to fill it with! But it sure cleared a lot of space in other areas of their rooms when we consolidated all of the books to one spot.
And the displayed books on the top? (which happen to all hold special places in my heart) Well- I AM a teacher who grew up helping in my aunt's classroom! I come by it honestly yall.

End of the school year stuff...

One of the best things about the girls having to go to school 4 days longer than me was the fact that I got to go up to the school for all of the special things that went on. I usually end up trying to work around schedules to make it to these things.
On Tuesday, the kids went to school for a normal day, and I had to go to inservice. I got done early, so I got to go and enjoy one last lunch with my Tuesday lunch crew. I love Tuesdays. I have been invited to eat with the most wonderful group of ladies. Most are retired teachers, many are in my teacher's sorority, some were teachers when I was in high school, and all are now what I consider blessings in my life. It all happened by chance one week when I ran into Sara at McAllisters, and she invited me to eat with them. I enjoyed the fellowship so much, and they kept inviting, so I kept going! It's become a tradition. One that I treasure.
After lunch, I did some shopping, knowing that once the kids were out of school, alone time would be a thing of the past! But I did manage to make it home in time to go get the girls from school- a luxury us working Moms don't get often!
On Wednesday, I took the girls to school and went home to enjoy coffee on the back porch! Isn't that what you are supposed to do when you are a "stay at home mom"?? ha! I always dream of taking my kids to school in my pajamas and then coming home to enjoy coffee in the peace and quiet- so that's exactly what I did. But unfortunately it was short lived since I had to be at the school at like 10 for Brenna's awards assembly. So I showered (because read above about my dream of taking them to school in my pajamas), and headed back to Peaster for the 2nd time.
It was totally worth it to get to see my sweet girl get an award for A/B honor roll (she only got ONE B the entire year!) And she got the award for perfect attendance. We worked really hard for that one! I love the look of pride on her face.

After that I went home, worked around the house, and went BACK up for Macie's awards since I thought she was getting one. Come to find out they only had her stand up for a second to recognize her for perfect attendance since she already got her medal at graduation. SO- I went back home to work around the house a little more before picking them both up at 3. Yep- I made 4 trips to the school that day. I was WORN OUT!
On Thursday, Brenna had her big talent show that she had been practicing for. I think Josh and I were more nervous than her! Heck- I know we were. I thought Josh was going to throw up! Nina, Aunt Kim, Kyson, and Memaw were all there to support our little star! I even went and got Macie from her class so that she could watch! When her time came up, our angel walked up, and belted out "Tomorrow" from Annie like she OWNED it!! I had tears streaming. It was amazing. Everyone was blown away at her voice. It filled my heart to overflowing! I wish I could get the video to upload on here. I will keep trying.
After I left, I went and had lunch with Sara and enjoyed yet one more "grown up lunch" since my house keeper was cleaning my house. (rough life- I know) We had a great time, as always. And I managed to get a few errands done before I picked the girlies up from school. I could totally get used to this stay at home mom gig! If only it paid better.
Friday was the last day of school. And as much as I enjoyed my ME time, I was so ready to get our summer started! So were these girls!

 They both had such great school years with amazing teachers. We were truly blessed in the teacher department. Macie adored Mrs. Boecker, and I think the feeling was mutual. And Brenna loved Mrs. Hargrove and all of her friends in her class. It was a successful school year, and both grew and learned so much.
And just to keep it real.... the majority of the pictures I took looked exactly like this....
Oh Macie Claire!!
The look on Brenna's face says it all. I feel the same way baby...the same way......
I went and tanned after I dropped the kids off, and then went home and got them and we rested while we watched Beauty and the Beast. It was a great afternoon!
That night Josh and I kicked off the summer with a Ranger's game! Aunt Kim was gracious enough to keep the kids for us and we got to go enjoy some adult time!
Summer 2016--- HERE WE COME!!!!