Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Shrine Circus 2012- Family Night

Since Pops is a Shriner, we now get to take advantage of going to the Shrine Circus Family Night. Last year was the first year we have done this, and it was a BLAST! So this year's circus has been on my calendar for months. :) But as luck would have it, Josh was at work. However, Taron, Grayson, and Aunt Bit were in town visiting, so we snagged Taron to go with us. She was a BIG help.
Taron snapped this picture of my little Diva on the way to the circus. Sunshades, headphones in her lap and ready to go, and phone in hand- this girl lives a rough life!
Brenna insisted on doing everything with her "cousin Taron" because they are "best friends". She wouldn't even hold my hand to walk in.
The best part about family night at the circus is that all of the rides are free! Macie had been talking about riding an elephant for days. But when we got there, they had bounce houses set up at the entrance and she FREAKED out. That girl is scared to death of bouncy houses. In fact her words exactly are "Me no like bouncy houses. Me scared!" Poor baby. I finally got her to calm down and agree to ride a pony. She still wanted to cry every time she saw the bounce house, and refused to look at the camera, but at least she wasn't shaking.

Brenna loved the pony!
Next up was the elephant. Brenna was SO excited! But Macie would have NOTHING to do with the elephants. I guess they were a little too close to the bounce houses for her. She wouldn't even let me ride with Brenna. But it was all ok, because Brenna didn't want me to ride with her anyway- only Taron would do. They both enjoyed it!
The last animal ride for the evening was the camel. Taron said that riding a camel had always been on her bucket list, so I was glad I could help her cross something off! haha! Brenna informed me that she was riding with Taron (go figure), and Macie decided she would ride with me. At least one of my girls still thinks I am important! ha! The line was extremely long, so we kept ourselves busy with taking pictures.
We were excited to be hanging out with Pops! And were super excited when Wyatt got there to hang out with us too!!
I could not have done it without Taron's help! I was so glad she got to go!!
Brenna and her Best Friend for the evening, Taron!
The camel ride was....interesting to say the least. As we got up to the front of the line, I noticed that the workers were riding one of the camels. Then I realized they were trying to calm it down. It was making lots of strange noises and trying to pull away from them. EEK! Kinda scary. There were 2 camels that they were giving rides on, and Taron and Brenna were up next. They got on their camel and were riding. Brenna was loving it, and so was Taron.
I expected to take our turn on that camel after they got off. But just as they got on their ride, the workers brought camel #2 back and motioned to ME that it was our turn.... on the crazy camel! "uh-oh" was the G rated version of what was going through my brain! So, I reluctantly got on the crazy camel with Macie and we took our turn. The camel tried a few times to act up, but we survived. I was a nervous wreck tad bit anxious, and was glad when it was over. I think Macie's face in this picture says it all......
After the animal rides, we got our cotton candy and found some great seats to enjoy the show. They say that the Ringling Bro's circus is the greatest show on earth, but I disagree. I think the Shrine Circus is the best! The seats were great, the show was great, and all of the proceeds go to the Shrine Hospital.
We had a great evening, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching my babies enjoy themselves (minus Macie's bouncy house melt down). I love doing anything that involves getting to watch my girls have fun. It was a late night and it made for a very long morning the next day, but it was completely worth it! Thanks Pops!
I can't believe how big these two girls are getting!!
What a difference a year makes...