Monday, April 13, 2015

oh, Macie Claire!

You never know what is going to come out of this child's mouth. I used to think Brenna could come up with some of the funniest things, now her sister is following in her foot steps! Here are two recent examples.... 1. While at Mimi's house over Spring Break, Macie kept saying how much she LOVED it at Mimi's house. She had said this several times when I finally asked "What is it about Mimi's house that you love so much?" I fully expected to hear her say "Because I love my Mimi" or "I like to play on her driveway". Oh no. That would be too obvious. She looked at me very matter-of-fact and said "Because her couches are so cute!" ummmmm. ok..??!! I guess Macie thinks I need to get some white and flower print couches in our house! (I don't have a recent picture of said couches, but this old one shows you the couch she thinks are "SO CUTE")
(they are cute AT Mimi's house, M Claire, not at ours!) 2. The other day, while I was fixing Macie's hair, the following conversation occurred.. "Mommy, I'm a big girl. Right?" "Yes Macie, you are!" "Then can I wash my own hair?" "Sure, sometimes you can." "Can I pick out my own clothes?" "Sure, sometimes you can!" "Can I get a tattoo?" ....long silence while my blood pressure rose..."No ma'am you may not get a tattoo." "Oh. Only the kind that you wash off in the bath tub?" "yes, only the kind that you wash off in the bath tub Macie." OH, Macie Claire! What am I going to do with you????

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