Thursday, April 23, 2015

Macie's new "Do"

After Brenna got her hair cut, Macie started talking about getting her's cut. I was skeptical. Her hair is so thin, I was scared of the curls going away and her being left with a thin stringy mess. 
But as time went on, and I continued to listen to her scream and cry every morning when I brushed it, I started to get used to the idea of a hair cut! 
So- I called our beloved Angel and made the appointment! 
When I picked Macie up from school that day, she was in a MOOD. Goody. But we forged on! She didn't fight the hair cut, she just didn't want to cooperate for pictures or want to talk to Angel. This girl has a mind of her own! This is the only picture I got of the "before". 
She sat still for the cut and did really well! I had promised her Sonic cheese sticks if she behaved! Haha! Whatever works, right?! 
The cut looked SO cute! But in true Macie fashion, she didn't want to cooperate for a picture. These were what I got at the salon...
Just keeping it real, people. 
You can even see her saying "NO!" Oh, that girl. 
I finally talked her into one picture at the car- but this is all I got..
Can you say FAKE SMILE??!! 
So we moved on and headed to Sonic since she sat still for Angel. But Macie decided she wanted an icee instead. 
Pictures were still not welcomed. But that never stops me! 
If looks could kill!! 
If she had only let me get one good picture, I would have stopped! She's a slow learner. 
So we got home, and I fixed her hair and talked her into a picture- FINALLY! But the fake smile was around to stay. 
The curls weren't as tight, but they came back. My hair does the same thing. Right after a haircut, my hair doesn't want to curl either. It's like it's almost in shock. It looked so cute on Wednesdsy when I fixed it, but- go figure- I didn't get any pictures! Ugh. 
I will say that washing and fixing hair is soooo much easier at our house now!! Yea for easy! Because when you have two opinionated little girls to get up and dressed and out the door each morning, anything that makes it easier is welcomed!!! And I absolutely love macies round little face and those cheeks with her new short hair! 

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