Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Our weekend

It was a fairly slow weekend. Friday night we went over to Pops and Memaw's for dinner and the girls played. They played so hard that it wore Macie smooth out! 
Saturday morning we hung out at home. The girls decided to paint on the back porch. I loved this view out the back door! 
Painting in their pajamas! Love it. 
Saturday afternoon, I made a big Mom fail. I had Brenna's game written down at 2:00. So we showed up at 1:50.... Just in time to catch the last 56 seconds of her 1:00 game. Ugh!!!! She was so upset and I felt so bad. 
Saturday evening we had our annual neighborhood crawfish boil. The kids look forward to it as much as we do. 
This is one of my favorite sights...
Carter was a little excited about the crawfish! He waited here for about 30 minutes! 
Then this went on for a couple of hours.... 
It's a rough life, but somebody's gotta live it! 
These two had a blast! They pushed their babies in strollers and ate Popsicles...
BLUE Popsicles! 
And the big kids decided to have a water fight...
They were SOAKED! But they had a blast. Memories that will last a life time. 
Sunday was pretty low key. The girls and I went to church and lunch with Graddy. I only managed to get a picture of ONE kid! How'd that happen? 
We then went home and got the house picked up for the house keeper today. And right at bed time, some pretty strong storms rolled in. These two don't do thunder. At. All. So I ended up putting them in my bed to go to sleep. This was my view when I was ready for bed. 
Sweet babies. But this scenario wasn't gonna work. Mommy needed her sleep! So, Macie got relocated to her own bed. And I left Brenna where she was because, basically, I can't pick her up! 
Now we are ready for a fresh new week! Bring it on! 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

8 going on 40

8 going on 40. That's how I feel about Brenna Grace's heart and thought processes. That girl is so far ahead of her age. I am blown away daily by her. 
It's been a hard few days for me. Very emotional. Missing Mom. Wanting life to just go back to how it used to be. When she was still here. Before Cancer. Back when things weren't so hard. 
But Brenna has seen me crying a couple of times the last two days. And overheard me talking on the phone to Josh. So tonight before bed she asked me why I was crying earlier. I told her I was ok. But she persisted, explaining that she knew I was crying yesterday too. And she can tell when my make up is messed up. So I told her I was just missing my Mama. She said "I know. It's really hard now that MeMawMom isn't here". I agreed and told her that sometimes I just miss my Mama and I cry. And sometimes I cry on the phone to  Daddy because I miss her so much. To which she replied- "I know how bad I miss you when you are out of town for a few days. So I know you must miss MeMawMom really really bad."
Yall- I. Almost. Lost. It. That girl. She is so wise beyond her years. What 8 year old thinks like this? I'm not sure what I would do without this little lady. She keeps me in check. I'm so proud to be her Mommy. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Sleeping Babies

It's been said for years, and I wholeheartedly agree, there is nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby. And yes, I don't care if my children are 40, they will still be my babies! 
Brenna has always loved to sleep with me on nights that Josh is at the fire hall. She makes a great sleeping partner. Loves to cuddle, then tolls over on her own side to sleep and you never know she's there. But Macie has never been good at this. I've let her sleep with me several times, but she kicks and flips and flops. She's slways needed to be in her own room. And she's a great sleeper. So because of this I don't get many sleeping cuddles from her. 
On Thursday morning, she came into our room after Josh left telling me her ear hurt. So I let her crawl in. And to my surprise she fell fast asleep! It was so hard to get out of bed. And I certainly couldn't do it without a picture or two!! 
Melt me!! 
I could kiss those sweet chicks till they were raw! 
These pictures got me a little nostalgic and I started looking through other pictures of my sleeping Angels.... 
Another rare moment where she climbed in after her Daddy left and fell asleep! 
Even sleeping in the car is adorable on this munchkin!! 
She's growing so fast. Look at those crossed legs! 
Even cute from the back when she sleeps in a tutu! 
Too much Frozen on Ice! 
Sweet angel and her blankeys. 
She's even cute when she falls asleep like this at 6pm after throwing a fit and refusing to eat her dinner. 
Forehead kisses are my favorite! I get lots when she's sleeping like this next to me! 
Water park dates with Daddy wear even big girls out! 
This one is older- but seriously....bless it! 
I could watch my babies sleep all night long. No worries- I don't. But I could! How'd I get so lucky?? 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Macie's new "Do"

After Brenna got her hair cut, Macie started talking about getting her's cut. I was skeptical. Her hair is so thin, I was scared of the curls going away and her being left with a thin stringy mess. 
But as time went on, and I continued to listen to her scream and cry every morning when I brushed it, I started to get used to the idea of a hair cut! 
So- I called our beloved Angel and made the appointment! 
When I picked Macie up from school that day, she was in a MOOD. Goody. But we forged on! She didn't fight the hair cut, she just didn't want to cooperate for pictures or want to talk to Angel. This girl has a mind of her own! This is the only picture I got of the "before". 
She sat still for the cut and did really well! I had promised her Sonic cheese sticks if she behaved! Haha! Whatever works, right?! 
The cut looked SO cute! But in true Macie fashion, she didn't want to cooperate for a picture. These were what I got at the salon...
Just keeping it real, people. 
You can even see her saying "NO!" Oh, that girl. 
I finally talked her into one picture at the car- but this is all I got..
Can you say FAKE SMILE??!! 
So we moved on and headed to Sonic since she sat still for Angel. But Macie decided she wanted an icee instead. 
Pictures were still not welcomed. But that never stops me! 
If looks could kill!! 
If she had only let me get one good picture, I would have stopped! She's a slow learner. 
So we got home, and I fixed her hair and talked her into a picture- FINALLY! But the fake smile was around to stay. 
The curls weren't as tight, but they came back. My hair does the same thing. Right after a haircut, my hair doesn't want to curl either. It's like it's almost in shock. It looked so cute on Wednesdsy when I fixed it, but- go figure- I didn't get any pictures! Ugh. 
I will say that washing and fixing hair is soooo much easier at our house now!! Yea for easy! Because when you have two opinionated little girls to get up and dressed and out the door each morning, anything that makes it easier is welcomed!!! And I absolutely love macies round little face and those cheeks with her new short hair! 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Our week

Since I didn't stop and separate these pictures in different blog posts, I'll do a week in review! 
Monday and Tuesday were pretty uneventful. I had my sorority meeting Tuesday night and the girls stayed with Nina. I did make the mistake while we were waiting on Brenna of telling Macie that I was going over to Mrs. Sara's house later. So she proceeded to pout and tell me it wasn't fair that I was going to HER Mrs Sara's without her! 
This girl loves her Mrs. Sara! 
But I think she got over it when Nina and Aunt Kim took them to Chick Fil A! And they were greeted by the cow! 
Wednesday on the way home from School, Macie decided she wanted to go on a buggy ride. So, her Daddy obliged her request! After dinner, we loaded up and cruised around the neighborhood. 
You can just see the excitement on Josh's face about my need to take a family selfie. ;-) 
And while we were stopped at the Riley's to visit for a minute, these crazies decided to use the buggy to climb on! 
And what's the point of having kids if you can't use them for free child labor??!! 
I think it's time for her to learn how to do dishes!!! 
Thursday was pretty mild. Right up until the storm hit just as we were getting home! We had volleyball at 5, and at 4:30 it was raining cats and dogs! I was getting Brenna ready and doing some things in the house when I walked by the back door and caught this sight.... 
He's special. Sometimes I wonder about him. Haha! But his response was "the gutters were overflowing and I had to clean them out!" The umbrella ended up being a waste of time because by the time he was finished, he was soaking wet anyway. But it made for a great picture and an even better facebook post!! 
We ended Thursday with Macie going to bed at 6:30. Yep. 6:30. Josh fixed chicken fried rice for dinner. And she sat down at the table and started to FREAK OUT because she didn't like the chicken or the broccoli. (Both foods she eats). So we told her she could either eat dinner or go to bed. And she chose bed! Got her pj's on and went to bed! Yep- without dinner. Oh well. I wondered if we were being too hard on her. But the truth is- we fixed foods she likes! It's not like we tried to make her eat tofu for crying out loud! 
Friday was a special day at both girls' schools. Brenna's school had Relay for Life day. They were walking during PE, and she spent Thursday night making signs and a baton for her team, The Cancer Runners! She was so proud to wear her MeMawMom shirt to school on Friday. 
And take her signs she made. 
And Macie had hat day at preschool! She was super excited! 
And here's another picture because THAT FACE!
I have decided that she should wear a hat every day. Oh my. The cuteness! 
While we were getting dressed that morning, Brenna told macie "you're wearing a MeMawMom hat!" 
I told her that no, it wasn't a MeMawMom hat. It was one of their hats. But she looked at me and said "no mom! It says 'Angel' on it. And MeMawMom is our angel. So it's a MeMawMom hat!" 
Oh- I stand corrected. I love her sweet heart. 
This picture melted me too. When did she get so big?? 
At lunch I met my bestie and enjoyed loving on sweet baby Brycen. 
Oh how I miss the baby stage! The cuddles, the kisses, the soft skin!! But don't get me wrong- I don't miss it enough to go back to it! No ma'am. Not a chance. My kids are potty trained and as of May we will no longer be paying daycare! Can I get an amen?!?! So I'll just continue loving on everyone else's babies!! 
Friday night the girls and Megan and I went out to eat crawfish! Yummo! Dad even joined us, and found the Mac Daddy crawfish!! 
Between the 3 of us, we put away 8 pounds!! Love me some Mudbugs!! 
The best moment of the evening was when the waitress asked Megan if she wanted the green beans with the shrimp she ordered. She said "Nah. Who needs vegetables. Just give me extra fries!" And without missing a beat- Brenna leaned over and said "Now you're speaking my language!" Oh that girl....  
Saturday morning the girls and I met Josh and Dad at Cracker Barrel for breakfast before going to pick out Mom's tombstone. Being together made the task ahead of us a little easier to bear. 
I'm telling ya, this girl loves her Graddy! 
After picking out a stone and watching Brenna's volleyball team get slaughtered on the court, Josh and I headed out to dinner. Just the two of us! Three cheers for Aunt Kim and her awesome babysitting skills!! 
We weren't gone long, because storms were threatening to move in again. So we  grabbed the kids and headed home to
Watch the storm from our back porch. And it was wicked! Tons of rain, which we desperately needed. The pond in our neighborhood hasn't had water in it since we moved in. These are the pictures I took Saturday night! 
This was Sunday Morning!! 
Josh and I declared Sunday pajama day! We all needed a morning of rest and time to just be at home and relax. It was greatness. 
Macie came and got my phone while I was still laying in bed and told me she needed to take a picture. I didn't think much about it until later when I found this...
I guess the Peppa Pig clan needed a family portrait! 
We took showers that morning, and the girls insisted on putting on pajamas again. Macie said "we have to wear our pajamas because YOU said it was pajama day!" That I did, Macie Claire, that I did. Therefore- the girls played outside in pajamas! Brenna eventually put on play clothes, but not Macie! 
Macie took a small break after lunch and I painted her nails and toes. She took the drying process seriously while watching Caillou! 
Graddy came over later, and we cooked some fajitas. Brenna took an opportunity to get a little cuddle time in. 
We ended the day by riding down the driveway on the skateboard. 
Shortly after Brenna snapped this picture, I bailed off of the skateboard right before hitting my car and consequently scraped my rear and tore my shorts! 
Note to self: you're not as young as you once were! 
It was a great week and weekend! I love making memories with my family. It makes my heart full!