Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Adventures of Chris the Elf

Our Elf on the Shelf had some crazy adventures this year. I didn't document them all, but got a few. So I thought I'd share. More for my memory than anything! 
He always shows up on December 1st. 
He always brings his book back and usually leaves a note. 
Brenna asked him to draw a picture of himself one night. Doesn't she know that magical flying elves aren't great artists?? But I think all things considered, he did pretty well! 
And he hung it up for them to see. 
Oh Chris- you may be a wise guy. But you're no wise man! Now put my 3rd wise man back! 
Do you wanna build a snow man?? 
He stole the Santa suit off of our wine bottle and stuck Santa head down in the box of balls! 
It's a parade! 
We found this note one morning. Along with a new movie! 
Brenna was convinced that Mrs. Claus makes the best cookies. So in her letter to Santa she asked if she could have some. Chris delivered them one night. 
They were SOOO excited! 
One morning, we found him sitting in the blinds watching us. And that night when we came home, we found this! Chris usually doesn't move during the day. But I guess he saw a REALLY big buck in the back yard. He even had a gun ready. But I doubt he woulda killed much with a pink BB gun.... 
While we were in Oklahoma, I felt sure he'd show up at Mimi's. But I guess he forgot to write down the address. But when we came home, we found that he had been super busy! 
And one night he got super brave and took Brenna's iPad and took pictures of himself! I guess one of his elf friends stopped by here and helped him get some pictures. 
Snuggling with Macie! 
And Jake. 
I can't believe he didn't wake up Daddy! 
I guess he got hungry. 
When you gotta go- You gotta go! 
And on his last day for the year.... 
Brenna left him a note on Christmas Eve, and he wrote back! 
It was a great year Chris! See you next year! 

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