A couple of pictures and stories that I don't want to leave out, but that don't quite justify their own post...
The day after Christmas, the Riley's came over to hang out. It was SOOO good to see them! I knew it would be lonely when they moved, but I had absolutely no idea just how lonely I would be! I miss this lady right here!!
And Brenna enjoyed hanging out with her friend Carter too.
Date nights are few and far between for us. It's just too hard to find someone to keep the girls, and I always feel guilty because I know it is an inconvenience for which ever family member has to keep them. But every now and then, we just MAKE time to do it. Thank you to Pops and Memaw for keeping them this night so that we could go out to dinner and just get away for a bit! Sometimes it's just nice to go and sit at the bar at a restaurant and enjoy the atmosphere and people. Something we can't do with two kids in tow. It was Buffalo Wild Wings for the WIN! And of course- Josh can't take a selfie without a goofy face. Just part of the reason I love this man!
I saw this idea on Facebook. You stack up candy canes and use one in your mouth as a hook to pick up candy canes and put them on a plate. I just knew that the girls would LOVE it! So one night I got it all out and set up.
Macie loved it and laughed the whole time. Brenna...not so much. She kept giving me the evil glare after she wasn't so good at it. haha! Josh and I laughed the whole time!
This girl and her milk.
I had just a little milk left in the jug one night and so I thought it would be fun to hand it to her and let her drink it. That may have been a mistake- because she thought that was the coolest thing she has ever done! She even sat the jug next to her dinner plate and drank from it with her dinner. Now she begs to drink from the carton. I may have created a monster. *Disclaimer: The milk at our house is safe to drink. She does NOT get to drink from the carton unless it is the very last bit and she finishes it!
New Year's day was kind of low key for us, and I loved it! We laid around and took naps and put away a few more Christmas presents. That evening we invited Pops and Memaw and Aunt Emily and Wyatt over for supper. Except Wyatt was gone with his Grandma and Grandpa, so it was just Aunt Emily. That made two little girls VERY sad. I learned very early on in Brenna's life that once you have kids, no one really wants to see you anymore. They are only interested in your kid! And Aunt Emily learned that lesson on New Year's day. (Well- she probably already knew it, but the girls were quick to remind her of it). As soon as she walked in, all I heard was "Where's Wyatt?" haha! They were none too happy with her. But they quickly got over it when Pops, Memaw, Aunt Emily, and myself joined them in coloring! Yep- we are wild and crazy at our house! Josh cooked dinner, and we all colored! Couldn't think of a more perfect evening!
This was our traditional New Year's Day meal:
The corn bread was still in the oven when I took the picture. Josh makes the BEST New Year's Day food! I loved looking at my Timehop app and seeing the meals of years past.... they all looked pretty much the same!
The only real difference was the one year that it was served on a black plate..... That was the year we lived with Mom and Dad and ate on her black plates! ha!
I had the pleasure of eating with this little guy and his Mama at Golden Moon right after school started back.
Sorry Brycen- but when you hang out with your Aunt Jen, and dig through her purse while we eat, you get to pose for pictures with rainbow sunshades on! I love you buddy- and I promise to only bring this picture out to embarrass you a couple of times when you are older.
We went to Railhead to eat dinner one evening, and Macie insisted on bringing Bitty Baby inside with us. All was well until it was time to eat and Bitty Baby needed a place to go. Yep- into Mommy's purse she went! And I couldn't help but laugh when I picked up my purse to leave and saw this. You know you are a Mommy when.....
This picture totally makes me laugh. I sent it to Sarah to tell her Thank You for my new sweat shirt and ear rings she got me for my birthday and Christmas present. Then I had to be sure and add in "Please don't ever tell anyone that I took a selfie.....in the car.....and actually sent it to someone!" ha! And here I am telling on myself. But I do love my shirt and ear rings!!
The girls and I had a pajama and movie party the first weekend after school started back. They insisted on wearing footed pajamas, except that Macie's were all too small, so she had to raid Brenna's drawer! They were a little big, but better that than too small! I loved that both were zebra!
We curled up and watched "Cinderella". Macie had never seen it, and loved it! We have a goal to watch all of the Disney movies that we haven't seen so that the girls will know who all of the characters are before we get to Disney in June! So far our count is.....1. Oops. We better get to work on that!
Oh Macie Claire! I feel like I should coin that phrase. This girl keeps us in stitches. In the last two weeks, I have found several comical selfies on my phone...
There is never a dull moment with this girl!
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