Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Snow and Six Flags!

On the morning of December 28th, we woke up to SNOW!! I knew it was a possibility, but in Texas you never really know if it will happen or not until you actually see the white stuff with your own eyes. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked outside- and sure enough! SNOW!
Josh had to go to work that morning, so he got up a little earlier to travel to Ft. Worth. He said that the roads were a little slick in Peaster, but once he got to Weatherford they were good, and by Willow Park, there was no sign of snow. CRAZY! But we had plenty in our yard for a morning of fun before it melted!
This was the view outside...
Absolutely beautiful!! But I will admit to not really liking snow...unless it means we get the day off of school to stay home! When I am already off, I do not like to be stuck at home. But we made the best of it. The girls begged to head outside as soon as they got up! So they got bundled up and were off to play!
Jake wasn't so sure about the cold stuff.
The girls went to work with buckets and shovels!
I stuck to taking pictures from the porch in my pajamas!!
They made snow angels...
Which Macie Claire promptly told me was MeMawMom "because she is an angel now".
I had them pose in the yard, but the pictures were a little blurry.
They were freezing cold by the time they came inside! Brenna Grace needed to cuddle a little to thaw out!
By about 1:00 the snow was starting to melt, so I decided we would go to Six Flags! ha! Doesn't everyone head out when it is snowing to go to Six Flags and freeze their tails off? No? Just us?
We had to activate our season passes before January 1st in order to get free parking and free up grades, so I figured this would be a good day. And the likelihood of the crowd being small was pretty great. So- we bundled up and headed out!
This was the road in our neighborhood.
There were probably some icy spots still, but it wasn't bad at all. And by the time we got out of our neighborhood, the roads were completely fine.
We went to Ft. Worth first to get the oil changed in the car. That took a while, and the girls were not happy about delaying our arrival at Six Flags! But they made it, and we got there soon after the park opened.
We got our season passes all set up and went inside to ride a few rides. We sent this first picture to Graddy to tell him Thank You for our passes!
It was SO cold! But we made our way over and rode the Mexican hat and the tea cups. We waited in line at the bob sled for a while waiting for it to open, but it never did. So we entertained ourselves with a few selfies while waited.
We then headed off to see what else was open to ride. You know what we found? NOT MUCH! I was so disappointed. Almost every ride was closed. If I had paid to get into the park that day, I would have been very mad.
We walked past the big chair and used it for a photo opp.
Then we got in line for the mine train. It was the only other ride open that we found. That was evident by the line! The mine train usually doesn't have a line at all. But we decided to stick it out. And all was well, until they shut the ride down to add a second train! The announcement said that it would take 5 minutes. HA! 30 minutes later, it was up and running again. I was about to go nuts!! But I knew the girls had their hearts set on riding it, so we did!
Poor Brenna. She always gets stuck by herself since her sister won't ride alone. But she is a good sport and didn't complain at all! She really is a great big sister.
After the ride, we headed to the front to leave. The girls were wanting to stop by the fire station and see their Daddy. We did run into this guy on our way out!
And knowing that they like to take pictures with dressed up characters makes our upcoming Disney trip even more exciting!
It was a great day of just hanging out with my girls. And I look forward to many more days of doing just that this summer with our passes! I'm even more excited that Josh will be able to join us too!!
Thanks for the great present Daddy/Graddy! We LOVE it!!

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