We had a great Spring Break. Josh and I started it a little early with our get away to Las Vegas, so I got a little extra time out of my break. It was nice. I got to start the break with the girls rested and ready to play! And we did a lot of playing!!
To be honest- I had a lot of anxiety about Spring Break this year. In years past, Mom and I always did something special on one of the days while she was off work. We shopped or just played. She was a big part of my spring breaks. Last year, she wasn't up to it, but we still saw her and were with her several days. So the thought of a whole week off of work without her was.....scary. I still get anxious on days that Josh works because I'm not sure what to do with myself in the evenings. Typically those evenings were spent going out to dinner with Mom and the rest of the family, or spending time with the girls until they went to bed, then talking on the phone to Mom for a while.....ok, ok. Those phone conversations weren't for a "while". They usually lasted an hour....or so. :) But that was my routine. I always talked to her before bed, as well as many times during the day. And even toward the end when she was so sick and slept so much, I called Dad or Aunt Kim or Nina (whoever was staying with her that night) and talked to them and got the update on the evening. So, even thought I wasn't talking TO Mom, it pretty much felt like my routine was the same as it had always been. So now that I am not talking to mom or checking on her, I feel a little lost. Ok- a LOT lost. Don't get me wrong, I still talk to all of those other people. Dad and I talk on the phone several times a day, because he is just as lost without his phone calls to Mom as I am. And Aunt Kim and Nina and I still all talk pretty much daily, and it helps! But it's just not the same.
So, back to Spring Break... I was very anxious about how I was going to handle the break from school without Mom. I planned to soak up as much time as I could with the girls, but I know myself all too well. And I knew that I would end up on those slower days just sitting at home and being sad and feeling lost. I know that I have to face those days, and I am working on it! But I decided that this Spring Break was to catch up on some time with Brenna and Macie that I have been missing out on the last few months. I knew they deserved to have a GREAT spring break and to do some fun stuff. Soooo- I made a phone call before I even left Vegas to my Mimi and asked if the girls and I could come and see her during the break! It allowed us some time at home at the beginning of the week as well as an escape to help us conquer the end of the week! And the added bonus was time with our Mimi!! The girls ask several times a week when we can go back to Mimi's house, so it was a WIN WIN for us all!
Since Josh and I didn't get home until late on Saturday night, our Spring Break didn't start until Sunday. :) We all slept in and just took it easy. We were glad to be home with our girls, and they were glad to be home too! That evening, Dad came over for dinner and we played Hand and Foot Canasta after.
I sent this picture to Taron because I KNEW it would drive her nuts that my cards were not in order and not straight! haha!
On Monday morning, I dropped the girls off at Aunt Kim's and Dad and I went to the bank and the insurance office to get some errands done. It's mind blowing all of the "business" things that have to be done! I expected it to take us an hour or so. But 3 hours later, I returned to get the girls.
From there, Brenna, Macie and I went to Ft Worth to meet up with Ashley and Megan at Uncle Julios. :) We call it meeting up for Happy Hour.... but in reality, with 3 adults and 4 kids, we are really just meeting up for a VERY early dinner at a time when the restaurant is less crowded and our kids don't cause a scene if they decide to melt down. :)) But calling it HH just makes us (or at least Ashley and I) feel like we are still wild and carefree and can go wherever we want at 3pm on a Monday! But no matter what we meet for, we enjoy it! I enjoyed the conversation, the girls enjoyed holding Mary Paige, and Preston..... well he enjoyed the PBS kids app!

After we left UJ's, I told the girls I had a surprise for them. It was driving them nuts that I wouldn't tell them where I was taking them! And I loved it. :) but they knew as soon as we drove up that. Cuck E Cheese was their surprise. Lots and LOTS of squeals! They had fun, and I had fun watching them.

It was a great start to our break! I love watching my girls have fun.
On Tuesday, I had a nail appointment, so the girls got drug along. They actually do really well at the nail place. I don't usually mind taking them at all. (Disclaimer- they do really well thanks to modern technology..aka iPhones and iPads, not because they are perfect children! They are far from that! Lol) Macie insisted that she needed her nails done....as always!
Tuesday night was "Game Night" according to Brenna Grace. We had pizza and family games! :) we all had a blast, even Josh who hadn't gotten any sleep the night before!
We played candy land, go fish, and then Josh showed them how to play 52 card pick up! I laughed my tail off! The girls thought it was hysterical. We then finished off game night with the wii upstairs. I seriously had the best time just watching my loves have fun!

(Check out Macie making sound effects!)
On Wednesday morning, the girls and I loaded up and were Oklahoma bound! Macie was soooo excited!
And 4 hours later we arrived at Mimi's! Brenna was thrilled to go eat at Sid's! (Not gonna lie- I was excited too!) so we grabbed Mimi and headed out! Brenna ordered 2 double meat hot dogs! That girl doesn't mess around!

And I got my usual... A Cindy with extra slaw and an onion fried cheeseburger!
I never will forget the first time I went there with Josh. I ordered all that food and his jaw almost dropped! I think it was almost a deal breaker in the relationship when I finished it ALL! I think he was concerned as to what he was getting himself into!
Later that afternoon, after some play time.....
Macie talked Mimi into taking them to the park. The girls had seen pictures of Mimi at the park with Taron and Grayson when they were little and wanted her to take them too. And Mimi delivered!

They loved the park!
The next day was more relaxing and playing! The girls loved Mimi's driveway! So much concrete. They loved riding their scooters and Brenna enjoyed roller skating. I'd love to know how many miles she put on her skates in 2 days!
Feeding the ducks was in order for Thursday. As well as another trip to the park! The girls were in heaven!

The geese were getting a little too close. And Mimi had said they were aggressive, so Macie didn't want to get too close. She used her Mimi as protection!
That night was card night at Mimi's. I was honored to join in with this group!
Aunt Susan, Kellye, Aunt Bonnie and Mimi play cards regularly, and I just happened to be in town for one of their nights! We had so much fun! I
threatened asked the girls nicely to be good and play with each other while we played, and they did! They came in occasionally and checked in on us, but for the most part, they played well! And I had a blast watching Mimi get stuck with 5 red 3's and end the entire game with a negative score!!!
Even though it was getting late, we played a second game. Mimi and I came out on the bottom again, but at least we had a positive score this time!
By the time we finished and everyone left, it was 11pm! WAY past our bed times! But it was so much fun- it didn't matter. Our trip was about TIME. And we did just that....spent TIME with family. It was good for my sole.
These girls sure do love their Mimi!
On Friday when we were getting ready to leave, it hit me.... I had been so anxious about my first spring break without Mom, but I DID IT. I made it. I found ways to bring joy to each day. And the girls did a great job of making sure that MeMawMom was brought along with us. They talked about her a lot, and it was good. Now, don't be deceived- when it hit me that I had made it through the week without her.... I cried. It was a mixed emotion cry. I cried because I missed her. I cried because I was glad that I made it. I cried because I knew I would continue to make it. I cried because I didn't want to have to be doing this. (that last cry happens a LOT). But the big issue was that I DID IT. I found joy while being broken. Spring Break was my first big hurdle. I am thankful that it is now behind me. I am also thankful for a wonderful husband that supports me and encouraged my desire to get away with the girls for a few days. He continues to be my rock.
Spring Break 2015 is now in the books. Memories were made. Confidence in the future was made. Now we have to hold on for the next 77 days until Summer. It's going to be crazy busy. But then again..... life in the Pool house is always crazy! We thrive on crazy! :)
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