Wednesday was mine and Josh's 14th anniversary! Holy Moly- how on earth have we been married 14 years? I was so thankful that we got to spend the day on the beach with with our two greatest accomplishments and our best friends! I couldn't think of a better way to spend our anniversary.
Macie and Mrs. Sarah made a sand turtle! And it's hard to see, but they made several little sand turtles as well! |
Josh spent some time working on a mysterious creation.... |
He made SCHAEF! Complete with seaweed hair! |
Macie made the turtle GREEN! Food coloring in spray bottles is the best thing! Macie played with it forever! |
Shortly after this picture- Brenna hit her breaking point. I figured it would be Macie Claire that hit a wall first, but nope- it was Brenna! She melted down several times before I finally threw in the towel and took her to the condo and made her shower and take a NAP! I'm not gonna lie- I was secretly glad to take her up and get a little quiet time in myself. I got to lay in bed and watch tv... a little ME time! It did us both some good! Josh and Macie stayed at the beach and continued to play!
She talked her Daddy into making another bench! |
After showers, we usually found Carter and Brenna curled up somewhere playing Minecraft on their Ipads. We could tell as the week went on that these two were getting worn smooth out. |
Another fun day in the books!
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