Tuesday morning Josh, Schaef, Carter and Brenna got up at the crack of dawn to go deep sea fishing! It was originally just the guys going, but on Monday night they talked Brenna Grace into joining them! I was totally shocked. I didn't think she would go, and part of me figured she would back out before they left on Tuesday. But when Macie and I woke up, she was gone! I was so proud of her for stepping out and trying something new. I did some serious praying that she wasn't miserable and that she didn't get sea sick.
Luckily she had a great time! She caught a bunch of fish and enjoyed herself.
She was all too eager to tell me that it was so much fun and "just like fishing on Graddy's boat, except we caught fish!" ha! I promptly had her call and tell her Graddy about it.
While the guys and big kids were fishing, Sarah, Macie and I hit up the outlet mall! It was a great morning of girl time and shopping..two of my favorite things! We got some cute stuff and enjoyed a great lunch out. It was a nice break from wearing our swim suits. But not to worry...we promptly changed back into them as soon as we got back. About 2 pm we were headed down to the beach!
This is the sight of two kids who got up way too early and have spent too much time out in the sun.
Macie was totally confused as to why ANYONE would want to sleep at the beach!
Me too, Baby Girl, me too! |
Handstand practice! |
I captured this right before she fell flat of her back on the sand.... poor baby! |
One of my favorite pictures of the week! |
I decided it would be SO cute if we got a picture of all 3 kids jumping in the air at the same time. Here are 6 of the 42 pictures I took trying to capture that "SO cute" moment. It never happened. This was as close as we got. |
My loves. I had the best time watching these two enjoy the beach. |
Our "hole" from the day before was still there, so Macie turned it into a slide! |
It was a pretty low key day due to everyone being tired. We went in, showered, and ate dinner. Then the kids insisted we go crab hunting. Everyone was pretty worn out, but I felt bad that we hadn't taken them crab hunting yet. So we put on glow bracelets and necklaces and off we went! It wasn't very productive. We walked forever, but only found a couple. Last year we found them everywhere. No such luck this time. So we eventually called it a night and went to rinse our feet off in the pool.
They wanted to swim so bad, but I just didn't have it in me to do baths again. All that time spent sitting in a chair on the beach was kicking my tail! I was worn out!
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