I mean seriously! Look at these babies.
I thought I loved him as much as I possibly could that day. I was wrong. Every day I love him more. Some days I don't like him a lot-lol!!! But I'm sure the feeling's mutual. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for giving him to me.
But whether I feel old enough or not, Josh and I celebrated 13 years of marriage on June 29, 2015.
If I could go back and talk to 22year old me, I would tell her a few things. But not everything. Because some lessons just have to be learned the hard way. But I would tell her that she does NOT in fact have it all figured out. It will be wonderful, but it will not be easy. There are going to be hard times, but they will only make you stronger. You will survive. And you will actually be thankful for the hard times in the end. They will make you a better person.
During our 13 years, we have been through a lot. But who hasn't?? Is there anyone out there who can look back on the first 13 years of marriage and say "that was so easy!" If there is, they are lying.
However- I am thankful for our trials. They have made us the strong people we are today! I am so thankful to have Josh Pool as my partner in this crazy thing we call life. I couldn't do it without him. I most certainly couldn't have done the last year without him. He is always supportive and carries me when I don't have the strength to walk on my own. I am beyond thankful and blessed to call him mine.
On anniversaries past, we have gone out to a fancy dinner, or a weekend away, or even spent it apart because he was working. But this year, we spent it with our girls. We had dinner at home and just enjoyed this family we have been entrusted with. And it was wonderful. I couldn't think of anywhere I would have rather been. He brought me flowers, and I have him Vodka! Yep. We are awesome like that! I also gave him this note.
13 Things I Have Learned from Being Martied To Josh Pool for 13 Years...
1. I don't buy him clothes. Because I can't handle the rejection.
2. It's ok to not have the last word. Really. I will not spontaneously explode because I didn't have the last word. (I'm still working on this one.
3. There is only so much Country music he can handle on a road trip. It's ok- because he will eventually want to nap and as soon as he starts to snore, I can jam out to Dolly and Reba again!
4. Being married to Josh Pool will cause me to love things that would have made me say "oh he** no!" 15 years ago. I.E. Camping, drinking beer, going to the deer lease, eating steaks cooked less than well done, living 30 minutes from WalMart.
5. Life is happier if I don't ask silly questions like "how much was that deer lease?"
6. Let him pick what to watch on tv when we go to bed. Because in t-minus 30 seconds he will be snoring and I can watch Friends.
7. He knows when something's bothering me. And he won't take "I'm fine" for an answer.
8. The toilet paper must unroll "under". It's not worth getting upset over. Just get used to it.
9. He will re-arrange the dishwasher after I load it. Because,apparently, it can ALWAYS hold more!
10. Always have a blanket close by. The house will be cold. It will be just above freezing during sleeping hours. So layering up is helpful.
11. The yard must stay mowed. Even if we need to leave the house in 30 minutes. Or he is sick. Or his back hurts. Nothing takes precedence over a nicely mowed yard.
12. You can never have too much Titos on hand.
13. Even though I bought him Titos for our 12th anniversary, it is an acceptable gift to give again. Because see #12.
And I could go on and on. But these 13 pretty much sum it up!
Here's to 13 more,Josh. I love you 10 million!
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