The night before school started Josh asked me "So are you gonna get any sleep tonight?" HA! After all this time- he knows me well! I never sleep well the night before the first day of school. One would think that after all these years (14 to be exact) that the first day jitters wouldn't still get me.... but they do! I still get anxious, I still have dreams of all the bad things that could go wrong. And from what I have heard from those who have gone before me.... it won't change any time soon!
But in all honesty- I realize that those jitters are partly a good thing. It is the excitement of the unknown. Anticipation of a clean slate. Anxiousness of a fresh start. All good things. But all things that get me "all nerved up" as my husband would say!
Luckily- I did get some sleep! not as much as I would have liked, but I'll take what I can get!
Reluctantly, we all rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. Josh had to work the night before, so he came home early that morning to take the kids to school. (He's a pretty great Daddy) And that allowed us to get some pictures before I left.
I can't believe how grown up she looks. |
Sweet girl and her crossed legs! |
Brenna tried to put her arm around her sister... but Macie was NOT gonna have any of that nonsense! |
I love these two little ladies with all my heart! |
Upon taking our group picture, I had to fly out to get to work. Josh loaded up the girls and got them to school.
That is the hardest part of being a teacher mom- not getting to take your own children to the first day of school. I struggled with it for several years. But I have come to grips with it, and it isn't as hard on my anymore. I am just thankful that my girls have such a fantastic support system around them on days like this. So many others to step in and take care of them when Mommy or Daddy can't be there.
The obligatory outside of the door picture! |
Look at these two 1st grade beauties!! Same dress, same bow, totally different personalities! |
Our 4th grade beauty. |
I am happy to report that everyone, myself included, had a great first day of 2016-2017. Macie loves her teacher and loves 1st grade! In fact, we got this note from her teacher on the 4th day of school...
Brenna enjoys changing classes, and is finally enjoying 4th grade. It was touch and go for a few days. In fact she told me about the 3rd day that she didn't want to go back to school because it wasn't fun anymore. I told her I was very sorry, but "4th grade dropout" wasn't an option! Luckily she decided to stick it out and now enjoys all of the things 4th grade has to offer!
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