Friday, November 18, 2016

The Tooth that had to GO!

Poor Macie Claire had to have a tooth pulled and a silver cap put on, as well as several fillings. Poor baby! Of all things she could have inherited from her Mama- why did it have to be my bad teeth??
They told us that Josh and I both needed to be there for the ride home so that one of us could sit in the back seat with her and one could drive. I didn't quite understand this....until the horrible ride home.
She insisted on going to school that morning until 10 so that she didn't loose her perfect attendance. (she did NOT inherit that from me!) So Josh and I picked her up right at 10 and headed to the dentist. She had no idea what was really about to happen. She knew she had to have cavities filled, but that's it. I wasn't sure if we were doing the right thing or not. But the way I saw it, it was better for her to wake up and be a little distraught than to have major anxiety going in to it. Option A sounded much better.
She and Daddy checked out the Kangaroo in the room with the giant tooth brush while we waited.
Then they gave her giggle juice...

Giggle juice is good stuff!! We took the opportunity to do a little playing around...

I love that precious smile! But- it was the last one we got until late that night.
They took us back to where they would do her work, and had her playing a game to blow up balloons, and gave her some laughing gas. It worked for a minute.... Then the dr gave the ok to start her IV to put her to sleep. Oh dear. It wasn't pretty. She started crying and well- I'll just say it wasn't easy on my Mama heart. BUT- no one told me that when they pushed the meds to put her to sleep that it would be instant. Like- lights out! So I was holding her hand and trying to hold it together myself when all of the sudden she went from distraught to OUT. Like a flash her hand went limp and let go of mine. And here is where I would like to tell you that I pulled myself together and walked out knowing my baby was just fine and was in great hands. But no can do. This Mama Bear proceeded to have an anxiety attack walking out of the room! I couldn't decide if I wanted to cry, hyperventilate, or just grab my baby and run out the front door and keep going! Thankfully I only "opted" for options 1 and 2. Geez. I was a hot mess. Luckily after some fresh air, I managed to pull myself together. I knew she would be ok. I just wasn't prepared for her to go limp like that so quickly. I think next time I'll let Daddy handle that one and I will wait in the waiting room! (oh Dear Lord- please don't let there be a next time!)
About 15 minutes later they came out and got us and told us she was FINISHED! Holy cow! He should have only charged us half price for finishing that fast. But I was just glad to go see my baby.
Thankfully they had prepared me for her being upset when coming out of the anesthesia, because she was. It was so hard to see her laying there in that chair with stuff in her mouth, but I was just so glad to have my hands on her again.
And the ride home was less than enjoyable. I am thankful that both of us were there. She cried pretty much non stop because she couldn't feel the side of her face. It was AWFUL!
This face still breaks my heart. She would cry, then just lay there on my shoulder for a while. And suddenly remember that she couldn't feel her face and start all over again.
The Ipad finally distracted her for a few minutes at a time.

But when we got home, she pretty much wanted nothing but to cuddle with her Mama. So that is exactly what we did.
If looks could kill...

We tried to nap- but she would close her eyes for a few minutes and then just cry. So we eventually decided to get up and go pick up sister at school. I think it was a good distraction for her. She was pretty mopey all afternoon, but I told her that if she felt better the next day that Mrs. Sara wanted her to come eat at Pizza Place- so that perked her up!
That night the tooth fairy got to come see her for the first time! I hated it that she lost her first tooth this way, but I was so glad that the tooth wouldn't cause her any more pain!!
She left a note for the Tooth Fairy, just like Sister always does.
Bless her sweet heart! Luckily the tooth fairy let her keep her tooth, AND she was well compensated for her less than pleasant day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Happy 6th Birthday Wyatt!

The first Saturday in September we all gathered to celebrate Wyatt's birthday!! The girls were so excited about getting to go play at Hole In Fun. Especially since they have black lights there! It made for great fun- and horrible pictures.
Brenna was dressed perfectly for the black lights!

I am pretty sure that is Macie in the front...haha!

It works much better with the flash on!
Brenna, Maylee, and Macie
We ate cookie cake and watched Wyatt rip into his presents! Man- boys are so different than girls! I'm used to dainty and delicate.... 2 words you would never use to describe Wyatt Pope! (or any 6 year old boy for that matter..) ha! God knew what he was doing when he gave me girls. Boys scare me! And Emily says God knew what he was doing when  he gave her boys! Hair scares her! haha!!!
I think this picture right here is SO Wyatt! That face! I love him and his lack of ability to be serious so much!!!!
The "Man of the People" was leaving his mark on the wall!

Next we got to go into the bounce house area. The kids had a blast!! I think they were all worn smooth out when this was over. It was a great party!!
After we left Hole In Fun, we all met at El Fenix to celebrate Papa's birthday!
I love this man. Such a great example for all of us.
Someone had the "bright" idea to get a picture of Papa and Nana and all the kiddos..... That someone may have been me...but after picture 264, I fully regretted my bright idea...
did you know that 80 year old adults are harder to get to look at the camera and smile than KIDS are??? Seriously! Every time we would get all the kids to look and smile, either Papa or Nana would be TALKING or looking away! ha!! Luckily we got some decent ones.
5 out of 6 looking at the camera isn't too bad!

This was take # 221. I feel your pain Walker...
See?? Nana's talking!

Everybody's eyes are open...check! Everybody's looking in the general direction of the camera...check!
I consider this picture a WIN! (despite the Josh and Hanna photo bomb!)
Check out that cuteness right there!!!! A decent picture!
 But don't be fooled...his Aunt Jen was saying things like "WYATT look at me! WYATT smile right! WYATT don't act silly!" hahahahaha!!! It worked!
It was a great day to celebrate two dudes that we all love!

First day of school 2016

The night before school started Josh asked me "So are you gonna get any sleep tonight?" HA! After all this time- he knows me well! I never sleep well the night before the first day of school. One would think that after all these years (14 to be exact) that the first day jitters wouldn't still get me.... but they do! I still get anxious, I still have dreams of all the bad things that could go wrong. And from what I have heard from those who have gone before me.... it won't change any time soon!
But in all honesty- I realize that those jitters are partly a good thing. It is the excitement of the unknown. Anticipation of a clean slate. Anxiousness of a fresh start. All good things. But all things that get me "all nerved up" as my husband would say!
Luckily- I did get some sleep! not as much as I would have liked, but I'll take what I can get! 
Reluctantly, we all rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. Josh had to work the night before, so he came home early that morning to take the kids to school. (He's a pretty great Daddy) And that allowed us to get some pictures before I left.
I can't believe how grown up she looks.

Sweet girl and her crossed legs!

Brenna tried to put her arm around her sister... but Macie was NOT gonna have any of that nonsense!

I love these two little ladies with all my heart!
Upon taking our group picture, I had to fly out to get to work. Josh loaded up the girls and got them to school.
That is the hardest part of being a teacher mom- not getting to take your own children to the first day of school. I struggled with it for several years. But I have come to grips with it, and it isn't as hard on my anymore. I am just thankful that my girls have such a fantastic support system around them on days like this. So many others to step in and take care of them when Mommy or Daddy can't be there.
The obligatory outside of the door picture!
Look at these two 1st grade beauties!! Same dress, same bow, totally different personalities!
Our 4th grade beauty.
I am happy to report that everyone, myself included, had a great first day of 2016-2017. Macie loves her teacher and loves 1st grade! In fact, we got this note from her teacher on the 4th day of school...

 Brenna enjoys changing classes, and is finally enjoying 4th grade. It was touch and go for a few days. In fact she told me about the 3rd day that she didn't want to go back to school because it wasn't fun anymore. I told her I was very sorry, but "4th grade dropout" wasn't an option! Luckily she decided to stick it out and now enjoys all of the things 4th grade has to offer!

Monday, November 14, 2016

'Twas the night before 1st and 4th grade

AND year #14! Wow. I can't believe I've been teaching that long!
We started our day off with church with Graddy and Kathy. The girls were excited to see them.
Then we did a little grocery shopping to get ready to pack lunches for the week. I am certain that packing lunches is the worst part of school. I always start out with a bang and have everything ready to go the night before, but by a couple weeks in...I have lost my steam and we are throwing things in a lunch box on our way out the door. Sorry kids. You weren't blessed with a cool mom who packs themed, Pinterest inspired lunches!
But- a well organized snack drawer makes me feel like I have my life totally together.
2016 lunches....bring it on!
We did fairly well getting to bed on time. I was impressed with myself. I let the kids pick whatever they wanted to eat for dinner since Josh was at work and it was just us girls. Brenna picked egg noodles (her newest love) and Macie picked mac and cheese...surprise surprise. Then we did showers, and everyone was tucked into their beds at their appropriate bed time...7:30 for Macie, and 8:30 for Brenna. Princess Macie still needs her beauty sleep, so an earlier bed time is still a must for her. Brenna requires less sleep, so 8:30 suits her for now. But I have a feeling her's will get moved back soon. 
I couldn't help but to sneak in and snap pictures of my sleeping angels and their neatly set out clothes awaiting the start of new adventures during the 2016-2017 school year. 
Macie was so excited to wear the same outfit on the first day of 1st grade that Brenna wore on the first day of 1st grade. 

Sweet baby... I pray this year brings you new adventures and is full of great learning moments.
Brenna insists that a dress is a must for the first day of school. I love a girl who likes to dress up!

My sweet angel face. I pray this year is a great one for you, full of new friends and and a deeper love for learning.

Bring it on 2016-2017! The Pool girls are ready for you!!  I think......

Tacos at Memaws

Last year, Memaw decided that our new tradition should be tacos before school starts. Of course we were ALL on board with her new idea! Memaw's tacos are world famous. Well- at least they should be!
So on the Saturday before school started, we all cleared our calendar to celebrate the start of a new school year at Pops and Memaw's house. And she worked for hours in the kitchen on her famous tacos. I'm not even kidding a little bit. These tacos are a labor of love. Man- now my mouth is watering!!!
These girls sure do love their littlest cousin!!

This girl and her tacos....
It took us a year to get her to try them, and when she finally did..... now she can't get enough! I think she ate 5 or 6 this night!

This was one pan of TWO.....

Taco eatin cuties!!!

And I got to end my night on the porch cuddling this littlest love. Made for the perfect end to a perfect night!

August 2016- Gearing up for school

*We started off August 1st with a trip to Six Flags! It was the first time Josh got to go with us, and the girls loved it! Brenna got to ride the big rides, and it made the trip a lot easier on me!
See that line? Me neither! It was a great day!

Oh this girl! She loves an adventure and has no fear. But you should know- this photo was taken BEFORE we even pulled out to start the bobsled wasn't even moving yet!
*The girls spend a day with Nina while I went to my summer conference....And Macie helped her make dumplings!
*We spent one last day at Splash Kingdom. We got so much use out of our season passes this year! And this time I let each kid bring a friend.
Macie, Kinley, Brenna and Wyatt!
"Ok kids. Y'all stand right here under this bucket and let me get a group picture!"

HAHA! I win!
"Everyone slide down on the count of 3!"
It's my favorite photo  op....but rarely works. This wasn't a total fail.... They are getting better!

*We spent some time at Pops and Memaws just having fun.
I LOVE LOVE these two.

Ice cream anyone??
Only at a grandparent's house  can you eat it straight out of the tub!
*I had to go back to school for teacher in-service. I wasn't thrilled that our summer of fun was over....but it was time. There had been too much "togetherness" in our house, and the little people and the big people need a break from each other! ha!
We had an assignment to complete a set of photos during one of our in-service days. And one of  those photos was a "group selfie". Only the FCS teachers are cool enough to pull off a group "bathroom mirror" selfie! ha!

Of all the productive things I could have done with my free time during in-service...I redecorated the wall behind my desk!
Priorities people. Priorities.
And we spent some time on a bus....touring the city of Weatherford. It wasn't our idea of "fun", but with this group...anything is fun! 

*We had a sleepover with our friend Tia!
Got enough blankets girls??

Dropping them off the next morning at Nikki's on my way to work. I love these 3 and the bond they have! I'm so thankful tht God placed the Thurmans in our lives so many years ago.

*We went and met the kid's teachers. Macie got Mrs. Morris. We didn't know her, but have grown to love her! Brenna now has all 4 4th grade teachers. They switch classes, which scared me a little. But she seems to love it. Due to her having multiple teachers, I didn't get a picture of her with her teacher. But the coolest part of this year is that Wyatt is going to be at school with them! Yea!!
No trip to Peaster Elementary would be complete without giving her Mrs. Boecker a hug!!The laughter is after Macie ran in and threw her arms around her without ever stopping to see what was going on or if she was interrupting anything!

Macie and Mrs. Morris

The three amigos! Together at last!
And Wyatt pose for a serious picture? Never!
*A little morning car ride selfie....because I think they are cute!
*Macie and I rounded our our summer with pedis. Brenna opted to stay at Memaw's house, so it was just the two of us, and I think she enjoyed it a lot.
I do believe this is the face of RELAXED.

She caught me.

I just love her!!!