Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Memorial Day Fun

Memorial Day weekend held a lot of excitement for me. It meant that I was done with school!! Well, for the most part I was. I still had one day of inservice on Tuesday, but other than that I was D.O.N.E. The girls still had a week to go, and secretly...I was a little excited about that. ha! But for the weekend I was excited about having fun and getting our summer under way!
On Sunday Dad and Kathy invited us out to the camp ground they were at in Perrin to hang out for the day. They kept telling me how fun it was there and all the stuff there was to do, but all I could think was "Really? In PERRIN Texas??" Perrin is a tiny little town, and I couldn't imagine a camp ground there with so much to do.
So on Sunday morning, the girls and I loaded up and headed over since Josh had to work. They were super excited to go and hang out with Graddy and Mrs. Kathy! The trip there was a little interesting. I tried to be a "big girl" and not ask my Daddy for directions. I looked up the camp ground address and plugged it in my phone. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Yeah- that's what I thought too! So the girls and I set off and followed the GPS. I should have known something wasn't right when we left the PAVED ROAD. But at that point I was embarrassed that I didn't call and ask for directions before hand- so we kept driving. Down the dirt road. Except it wasn't dirt anymore. It was mud. Yep- it had rained "cats and dogs" as my Mamaw would have said the night before and the dirt road that I was on was now a mud road. Oh yes- I forgot to mention a ONE LANE mud road. There was no where to turn around. And I was scared to stop because I was scared that my car would get stuck! So- I kept on driving.
My GPS was telling me that my destination was on the left in .5 miles, so I kept on trucking all the while thinking "How did they get the truck and camper down this road??" And when I got to that point where the GPS says "Arriving at your destination on the left", I was in the middle of no where and on my left was a fence and an empty field. No camp ground in site. It was at this point in my trip that I decided it was time to admit defeat and put on my big girl "36 year old" panties and call my Daddy for help.
While I was on the phone with him and he was trying to figure out where I was, and I was trying to figure out where I was while still driving on the mud road, I came upon a main road. How did I know it was a Main Road?? It was paved of course! So we finally decided which direction I should turn while he kept on looking for how to get me to the camp ground. And low and behold about 2 miles down the road, I looked up and saw the sign for the camp ground! I don't think I was ever so excited to find my destination in my life!!! My car was covered in mud, but we were glad to finally be there to enjoy a fun day with Dad and Kathy!
The kids were so excited to ride the train that Kathy had told them about. It was this really neat wooden train that the lady who owns the camp ground pulls around. You can just hop on it at any point.
Macie insisted that I ride with her.
And when it dropped us back off at the camper, Brenna decided to ride a second round by herself.
We hung out at the camper for a bit, Katie and Brenna played a little sand volleyball, then we all decided to go play putt putt! I'm telling you- this camp ground had EVERYTHING! I loved this picture of Graddy helping his Shortcake with her putt.
I'm pretty sure that Kathy whipped us all, and I'm also pretty sure that Brenna and Katie cheated to get finished a little faster! It was beyond hot out there, so I can't say that I blamed them. But it was so much fun! Swimming soon followed!
This camp ground had 4 pools! A splash pool, swimming pool, volleyball pool, and an adult only pool. It was a blast! But I could tell that Macie was getting ready to go home. I knew it was time for me to either start dealing with a cranky kid, or just give in and go on home. So I chose option 2. And we packed up and headed home to hang at the Middleton's for a bit.
On Monday, Josh ended up landing an overtime shift. So the girls and I were flying solo again. And since Aunt Kim and Uncle James were having a Memorial Day get together, we got dressed up in our red, white and blue and headed over there to enjoy some more fun!
It didn't take these two long to change into their swim suits and jump in the pool.
We had a great time enjoying family and friends! There was enough food for a small (or large) army!
Macie and Nina were deep in conversation while enjoying a hot dog.
I loved these shots that Uncle James captured of the girls!

It was a great weekend full of fun. Just a little glimpse of summer time. Enough to make me so ready for the kids to get out of school so we can start having fun every day!!

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