Saturday, July 9, 2016

Macie Turns SIX!!

And just like that- I blinked and my baby is six years old. I really need to stop blinking. It's hard on my heart!! But despite my denial, it happened. And Macie Claire was beyond excited to turn 6!
As per our tradition, I made her a powdered donut cake for her birthday breakfast. Complete with a candle.

I love that we have little traditions like this that we have started that the girls look so forward to. Macie asked a week in advance if I had bought the donuts for her birthday breakfast yet. And they always insist that I stack them in a tower "cake".
Brenna and I sang "Happy Birthday" to her and got her ready for school! Luckily her birthday shirt from last year still fit, and she insisted on wearing it!

She enjoyed taking cookies to her class to celebrate her special day. And when we got home that afternoon, she had a special package in the mail from her Aunt Bit. A new Disney shirt! Yea!!
We asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday dinner. She chose to go to Chili's and for her BFF Maylee to go with us! So we grabbed Maylee and were off to eat. At the last minute we decided to call Graddy and Mrs. Kathy and ask them to go eat with us, and they decided to stick their dinner in the fridg and join us! We enjoyed the company, and the kids enjoyed their dinner!
I love these two sweet girls!
We had planned on going to Braums for ice cream after dinner, but it took FOREVER to get our food at Chili's, and just as we were leaving, we could see a pretty good storm blowing up and heading our way. So we talked the girls into stopping at Dairy Queen for blizzards on the way home instead. Luckily blizzards are one of Macie Claire's favorite treats!
The pictures didn't turn out so great, but they were enjoying their ice cream, so that is all that matters!

Macie Claire,
I can't believe that these 6 years have gone by so fast. You are such a tender hearted, sweet, funny girl. You are still glued to Mommy at all times, and would prefer to be with me than anyone else. At times that drives me crazy, but in all honesty, I love it! You are my little side kick, and I remind myself that you won't always want to be with me 24/7. You have a great sense of humor and keep us in stitches all the time with the things you say and your facial expressions. Your big brown eyes and sweet voice get you pretty much anything you want most of the time. Some days your only goal is to annoy your sister and tattle on every single thing she does. Other days the two of you are the best of friends and play together non stop. I pray that the two of you are always close and grow up with a bond that can never be broken.
We love you our little Claire Bear! And we can't wait to see what the next year holds for you!!

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