When Spring Break was approaching this year, it came with a lot less anxiety. It was still hard to think about spending it without Mom, but I knew I could do it. I had done it already.
After spending some of last Spring Break at Mimi's, I knew we HAD to do it again! The girls love going, and I- of course- enjoy my Johnson family time! The trip had already been planned back in October during girls weekend, so when I mentioned it to Mimi while Dad and I were there in February, she said "It's already on my calendar!"
The plan was for us to leave as soon as I got out of school on Friday and head north. The girls got out at noon on Friday, but I had to work all day. On Thursday night, I started looking at the weather, which was calling for rain all afternoon from Texas all the way to Oklahoma. And the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to drive in the dark
and the rain. So in some moment of
insanity or bravery.... I entered for a half day sub just to see what would happen. And it FILLED! I knew I wouldn't take off if I didn't have a sub, but since I did.... GAME ON!!
As soon as the kiddos got out of school, I met them and Josh for lunch and then we headed north! Next stop... MIMI'S HOUSE!!
The traffic on the way up was no fun. I was very thankful that we were driving before dark! At one point I sent this picture to Taron and told her "We'll be there some time next week."
But we persevered and we MADE IT!! I was so thankful to see the Country Club Rd exit on I40. And we pulled into Mimi's garage right before it started raining again. Thank goodness! I was water logged!
The girls were quick to start pulling out their toys and get their play time on. They don't waste any time getting started playing when we walk into Mimi's. And Mimi and I didn't waste any time curling up on the couch to catch up. (even though we spent an hour on the phone earlier in the week catching up too....) And soon, Taron came in to join the party! WOOHOO! I just love my time in El Reno. We cram as much family time and laughter as humanly possible into whatever time we have.
We ordered pizza for Aunt Susan (aka- Uncle Susan)to pick up for us, and Nolan joined us. And it doesn't take us Johnson's long to be together before the smack talk starts and the cards come out! We ate our pizza and jumped right into our first game. It was every man for himself. And let's just say.... I didn't come out on top.
This was how Macie felt about our long day...
She was in bed not long after this picture. And Aunt Susan had a class the next morning, so she headed home pretty quickly as well. That left the Abners, me, and Mrs. Johnson.... I mean Mimi. I kind of thought we might all call it a night. I figured that Mimi might be done with cards for the night. But you know who's idea it was to go another round?? Mimi's! So we drew for partner's, and it was the Abners against Mimi and me. hhhmmmm. I wasn't sure how to be nice to Mimi at the card table! I mean- I've had years of practice at getting beaten by her and talking smack to her.... so it's hard to learn to be NICE!
We sent this to Dad when he sent me a message and told me he was stopped for the night.
I guess my screen on my phone was a little dirty.... LOL!
We finally called it a night some time around 11:30. Party Animals we are!!
Saturday morning, the girls woke up early- as usual. I made them play on their ipads for a little while. But about 8 I couldn't hold them off any longer. So I got up and made Macie some breakfast and Brenna and I started on our morning ritual at Mimi's...
Before we left for Oklahoma, Brenna begged to stay an extra day at Mimi's. I told her that I figured 3 days was all Mimi could handle of us and the chaos we bring when we visit. But I asked her why she wanted to stay an extra day. She said "So that we can drink Cappuccino 4 mornings instead of 3!!" ha! She is my child.
Mimi woke up shortly after we started on our coffee and joined us for cinnamon rolls and cappuccino.
I have said it before- and I'll say it again- Morning coffee and conversation at the kitchen table is my favorite part of the day. Lots of wisdom gets shared at that table, and lots of words get soaked up. I am on the soaking up end. I love our one on one time and the talks we have. Pretty sure Mimi thinks we are just drinking coffee...
Before we knew it, it was noon! oops! So we decided to get dressed and head to SIDS for lunch. Because when in El Reno- one must eat at SIDS.... at LEAST once!
Taron came over and met us and we headed out to meet up with Nolan. And a picture to torment the rest of the Johnson clan is always in order!
After lunch, Taron and I had an agenda....PIE. And much to our surprise- our Mimi didn't have pie crust OR cherries!! What?? It's like we don't even know her anymore! So we quickly remedied the problem and drove Mimi to the store to get cherries and pie crust! And since we don't do anything in moderation.... we got enough stuff to make TWO deep dish pies! Yes Please!
Our clean slate! |
And once again- it's really not about the pie. (ok- maybe it's a
little bit about the pie). But it's more about this right here...
Time with our Mimi. Watching her make her famous cherry pie, learning how it's done, planning how long it will be before we can dig in, laughing at our
lack of fluting skills for the pie crust, and talking about eating it straight out of the pan without getting in trouble- since she loves us so. Memories in the making.
While the pies were cooking, Macie Claire napped, Brenna played outside, Taron, Mimi and I put in a season of Reba, and I got out the ole ironing board to get Mimi's ironing caught up. It was a relaxing afternoon.
When Macie woke up, Mimi and I took the girls to the park to complete the one thing they requested to do while we were there- feed the ducks! Mimi had a whole loaf of bread for them to take, and they were in heaven!

I really love these comparisons from Spring Break last year..
And this one tells the whole story... Last year, Macie was a little timid of the ducks/geese. This year, she ventured out from behind her Mimi....a little! You can tell in all of the pictures that she still stuck pretty close to her!
On the way out of the park, the girls ran up to play on the playground for a minute. This little stinker showed us how she can do the monkey bars! Holy strength batman!
Their other request was to play on the merry go round. But it had rained so much that I wasn't sure about it (and I knew we needed to head back to get dinner ready). So we stopped by the other park where the merry go round was and I spotted one off by itself, so we pulled in to let the girls play. Brenna was pushing Macie...

And suddenly I noticed she was picking up her feet funny. Then it dawned on me... she was running around in MUD! It was everywhere, and her flip flops were coated! oops! So we loaded them up and headed for the house to get dinner ready (and to clean up Brenna Grace!)
While we prepped dinner.... these 4 kept themselves busy playing with pegs...
Suddenly I remembered that I hadn't taken a picture of mine and Taron's beautifully fluted pies! And guess what.... a rodent had already gotten to one of them!
Ok OK- so it only had one hole in it when I saw it... but I couldn't be let out on this little adventure. SO I grabbed my spoon and joined in!
After dinner.... it was
game PIE on!!! We were (not really) sneaky about it and started just digging in!
And then it happened.... she heard us giggling and we were CAUGHT PIE HANDED!
I'd like to tell you that we were sorry- but we clearly were not. We are Johnson's..and we eat pie. It's what we do best. And Taron and I? Well, we eat our pie from the pan. Mimi keeps telling us that when everyone is there that we will have to use a plate for our pie. We keep telling Mimi that she just needs to make extra pie so that Taron and I have our own. I think that she and I are being very reasonable. I mean- we ARE willing to share the SAME pie for goodness sake!
And ya wanna know what that pie looked like in 3 hours??
We did have a little help though, from the newest member of the Johnson Pie Club! We believe in starting them out early and training them right!
It's a biblical thing really. It is written "Thou shalt gather with family, play canasta, and eat pie straight out of the pan." Hezakiah 4:10
From there we moved to the card table. I had been holding on to these HUGE cards since January!! And we were all chomping at the bits to pull them out for Mimi. But we wanted to wait until she got up and went to the bathroom or something. But as luck would have it, that woman has the biggest bladder I've ever seen! haha! We played a whole game of canasta before she FINALLY got up to leave the table. So we pulled the cards out as fast as we possibly could and set them up.
And of course we gave Mimi all the red 3's!
Yall- it was EPIC!!!
Mimi came back and proceeded to start cleaning the kitchen while we were all about to die from the anticipation! We finally told her to come sit down, and when she walked to the table and looked.... this was her reaction!!
Let's see if this video will post...
EPIC I tell you! Her laugh was the best thing I may have ever heard! Although it was pretty hard to hear hers over OURS! I do believe we got her good!
We then proceeded to play another round of cards, where Nolan and I got our REARS handed to us. But that's really only because Mimi and Taron cheat. (or at least that's my story for why I always loose!)
Sunday we got up and headed to church (after our morning coffee of course!) and then out to lunch. We had a great time visiting with the Abners! After lunch, Taron and Nolan went over to the Abner's, Aunt Susan went home to pack for her trip, and Mimi and I and the girls went home to chill. Macie took a nap (because when you play hard at Mimi's, you must also nap hard!) Brenna spent time playing in the living room and soaking up some attention...
And Mimi and I watched the rest of the first season of Reba. It was a great afternoon of relaxing.
By the time Taron and Nolan came back over, Macie was awake and playing littlest pet shop. Taron was all too eager to relive her childhood and join in on the fun!
We enjoyed a late supper of leftovers, and cards resumed! I guess if you were on the outside looking in, it would seem that we play a LOT of cards when we are together. And you would be correct! First- we all enjoy playing canasta and we only get to play it when we are all together. Second- it's not COMPLETELY about the cards. It's about the time we get to spend together.... and the smack talk! A trip to Mimi's isn't complete without calling her "Mrs. Johnson" at least once, and accusing her and Taron of cheating! (which they do)
Aunt Susan showed up about 9 and visited while we finished our game. I figured Mimi would be ready for bed after that. I felt sure that we had successfully worn her smooth out! But you know who's idea another hand of cards was?? Our party animal grandmother's! So we fueled up...
and embarked on another exciting game of canasta at 10pm! It was 1am before I finally crawled into bed. Holy moly. I was beyond tired! But it was worth it to WATCH Mimi and Taron CHEAT! Yep. I said it. They cheated. Out. Loud! Did you know that it doesn't count as cheating if you don't say anything? That's correct! You can shake your head and use your eyes- just as long as you say "I didn't say anything" or "I'm just thinking to myself" (0ut loud. With words.) Aunt Susan and I are gonna use some "Mimiisms" next time we play canasta! Maybe then we will win.....
Monday morning came VERY early. We had to be packed and leave by 9 since that is when Mimi's house keeper comes. (well- we didn't HAVE to be gone by then, but I told her to not change her house keeper schedule!)
This was a welcome sight at the breakfast table..
And how fitting that it was also Pi day!~March 14.~3.14
After we were all packed up, and
hopefully left Mimi's house in the order we found it... we said our good-byes. That's always the hardest part. Why can't all of my family live in the same state?? Probably because there isn't one single state that could handle all of us in the same place! It would be scary I tell ya!
I'm just thankful that Mimi puts up with her guest room looking like a tornado blew through, her living room being stuffed with toys in every available corner, and her bar being covered with markers and paper for a couple of days so that we can all enjoy being together. Brenna and Macie look so forward to our Oklahoma time, and I love it that they love it so. The time we spend with Mimi, Aunt Susan, Uncle Dave, Taron, and Nolan is so dear to me. The only thing that could make it better is if my Daddy, Aunt Bit, Uncle Byron, Grayson, Alisa, Roby, Erin, and Kyson could all be there too.
From Mimi's, we headed over to meet Taron at Aunt Susan's house and all of us headed to the outlet mall.
We got there a bit early, so we had some time to kill. And time to kill with a 9 and 5 year old isn't always good. But we managed to keep them busy by giving them tasks to do, like running back and forth while we timed them! ha! And by taking selfies...
When the stores finally opened, the girls were eager to hit up Justice! Their favorite store, and my worst nightmare. But we made it. And they got to spend some money on junk- so they were happy! And Taron had her first Justice experience!! ha!
We made the rounds to our favorite stores. And God bless Taron- she kept the girls busy while I looked at a couple of places. It so reminded me of my Aunt Bit. That is exactly what she would have done. I kept telling Taron we could go into stores she wanted to go into, but she just kept tagging along with us. And when it was time for us to head out, she headed back in to do some shopping of her own. Oh how I love that cousin of mine! I didn't expect her to go along to help me with the girls- but that's just her...just like her Mama. And her Aunt Sherry! It is exactly what they would have both done. I literally teared up when I realized what she had done. So thoughtful, and so sweet. And I loved that the 4 of us got to spend some time together. Time is a precious, precious thing that I will never take for granted!!