Back in July when the BobSquad was in Alaska and I was at Mimi's house, Bit texted me with the idea of Girls Weekend. We would all meet in Shreveport since it was the halfway point between Mobile and El Reno. Taron had a fall break and they decided that would be a great time for Mimi, Aunt Susan, Aunt Bit, Taron and I to get together. Although it sounded like a WONDERFUL idea, I wasn't really sure it would ever be able to happen with the shape Mimi's back was in. BUT- God is GOOD and He answers prayer! And one failed injection and one back surgery later Mimi is a whole new person!! SO it was game on!
Plans were made, text messages (and LOTS of them) were sent, excitement was high, and we were set!! The Oklahoma crew arrived at my house on Wednesday night to break up their trip a little bit. I was SO excited the entire day that I could barely work! ha! I don't really see how any of us got anything done that day with the mass amount of group texting that went on! But around 5:30, they pulled in! I was glad that the girls got to see Taron, Mimi, and Uncle Susan for an evening. They loved it! And Daddy even got to come over and visit and eat dinner. I was glad that it worked out so that he could see them for a little bit too. We all turned in about 10 to try and get some sleep for our trip the next day.
Thursday morning came early, and I got the girls up and off to school. Then the rest of us got dressed and loaded up the car.... LITERALLY!
And took our first of WAAAAAY too many selfies of the weekend and sent it to Aunt Bit telling her we were on our way!
Aunt Susan and I were chatting away, and the next thing we knew.... this was the view in the back seat!
While driving, I discovered that none of my crew had ever heard of Buckee's! So, as soon as I realized there was one on our path, it was determined that we had to stop! Everyone needs to experience Buckee's. I think they liked it- since we spent over 45 minutes just walking around looking! It was a nice way to break up our trip down there, especially since we had plenty of time. After we had lunch at Subway, we were back on the road. Next stop... SHREVEPORT!
Taron kept in contact with Aunt Bit and it was determined that we would arrive around the same time. But we had no idea just HOW close we would be! We drove up, and her car was parked at the front door! She had just gotten there to check us in! How's that for timing?!
After some hugs and squeals that this weekend was finally here and underway, we proceeded to unload our cars.
Yes, that is enough luggage for a month. Or for 5 Johnson girls for the weekend. Because us girls need CHOICES!!!
And after we got into the room, the first thing we unpacked was the Keurig! And the coffee that Mimi, Aunt Bit, and I brought....
Oh yes. Us 3 Johnson Girls need our coffee! And we put a good dent in it over the 3 days, that's for sure!
I then unpacked the gifts I had brought everyone. I'd had it planned in my head for weeks, and with Dad's help- I got it done!
And I wrapped everyone's in separate bags with their names on them.
The best part was Mimi's bag. On one side it said "Mimi". And on the other side it said "Mrs. Johnson"! I told her I didn't know which of her personalities would be present when I gave the gifts, so I covered them both!! (Side note: Mrs. Johnson is the personality that isn't related to me at the card table!) I just love my family and our card game shenanigans!
Bit also had a gift for us all.... Princess Crowns! I loved it! No girls weekend would be complete without a crown to wear!!
The Queen needed a little help from a princess to get her tiara on just right.
After we sat around and talked for a while, we decided to check out the Boardwalk for some dinner and a movie!
Dinner was at Joe's Crabshack, and it was SO good! We all enjoyed catching up a bit. It goes without saying that another SELFIE was in order!!
I love this amazing group of women.
But what happened next had me laughing so hard I could barely stand it...
We walked around the Boardwalk a little, then decided to find a map to look for the movie theater. Taron was the first up to try to find it, and she kept telling us that it was one way (which was IN the water...). So Aunt Susan stepped in to help her..... Houston we have a problem. To know Aunt Susan is to know that she is...shall we say....directionally challenged. She and Taron studied the map and the number that the map said the movie theater was.
And Taron was trying to get Aunt Susan to see it how she was seeing it. So she said "Just turn your head like this and it will make sense!"
BUT- the absolute best part was when Mimi (who is as smooth as they come) walks up to the map after witnessing all of this and points to that LARGE tan spot in the MIDDLE of the map that says "Movie Theater" and says "Isn't that it right there." And then just walks away!
So much laughter ensued. And I think Taron's face tells it all!!
We did end up finding the theater, in spite of our directionally challenged crew, and saw "Bridge of Spies". It was pretty good, but I had to have some of it explained to me after! Story of my life.....
Back at the room, we started winding down and getting ready for bed. It took this crew until midnight to stop laughing and talking and get settled in. But we did, and some serious sleeping followed!
Next up: Day 2!