Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Kallie Jo

We started our spring break off with a bang- by celebrating Kallie Jo's 4th birthday! Her party was at Jump Extreme, and I think I was almost more excited than Brenna-almost. I had never been there before and I knew that adults could jump too, so I was looking forward to getting to play with the kiddos. However, my enthusiasm and excitement only lasted a short time. Have you ever jumped in a bounce house? Especially one that involves lots of climbing?? Oh-My-Goodness. I realized just how out of shape I really was! That was hard work!! But, the kids really enjoyed it. They were all sweating and squealing with delight the entire hour.

Kallie and Brenna were off and running/climbing!
These two sure are a pair! I can't wait to watch them grow up together.

Macie even enjoyed some bounce time with Grammy!
Some of the adults played harder than the kids...for the first 10 minutes. Then we could all be found sitting in a chair sweating! Blain did his best to rescue his Mama, but I am pretty sure she lost this fight. :)
Poor Josh was a week past shoulder surgery, so he couldn't join in on the fun. He did however do a lot of laughing at all of us that were sweating and out of breath after the first 20 minutes!
The birthday girl having oh-so-much-fun at her party!
It's a Macie Claire sandwich!!
Best Friends! I love these two little girls to death!
I am so glad that Brenna and Kallie are so close in age. They are exactly 6 weeks and 6 days apart. It has been so fun to watch their friendship blossom in the past 4 years. Poor Blain is so out numbered. But he is a really good sport about it, and I know that one day he will be very protective of these girls, and Macie too. I am VERY excited that they will all get to go to school together, and Brenna and Kallie will be in the same grade. Maybe we should all start saying a special prayer for their Kindergarten teacher..oh that poor sole!
A blast from the past......
Brenna's first Birthday party

They are only a year old here, but I swear it looks as if they are already plotting their plans for the future!
One of my favorites- look at Blain waiting at the other end of the tent for them!
And in the end, he came back to help them! Oh man I love these kiddos!
Ice Cream!!!
Once again, Blain seems to be their leader! By the end of this night, they all 3 ended up in the tub. There was fudge popsicle and sidewalk chalk EVERYWHERE!
I have a thing for taking their picture from behind when they are standing beside each other. Too cute!
Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch 2008
Josh and I are so blessed to have wonderful friends like John and Kristi. They are definitely more like family than just friends. I feel so lucky that our kids will get to grow up together. I know that they will all be close...cuz their parents won't give them any other options! Ha! And I know that Macie will soon join right in with this pack. She will be their "little tag along". Maybe we can train her to keep an eye on them and fill us in on all of their shenanigans.....;)

My Little Gymnast

Back in the fall, we signed Brenna up for soccer. We thought this would be a lot of fun for her since several of her friends were also signing up to play, and two of them even ended up on her team.
Occasionally we would see this on the field...

 But more often than not, this is what we witnessed...

Yep, that's my "angel" pouting and sitting right in the middle of the soccer game!
 It was really good for her to be involved in some sort of physical activity that taught team work, listening, and coordination, but she just wasn't "into" it. Her favorite part of soccer games was running down the field while holding hands with Tia and Ava! Granted, the three of them were super duper cute with all of their hand holding and hugging on the field, but I am pretty sure that is not in the play book for soccer. So we decided another season of soccer was not in the cards for us.
I asked Brenna what she wanted to do next. I decided to give her the choice this time and see if it made a difference in her attitude toward the event. She knew instantly what her next activity needed to be...Gymnastics! I was ALL OVER this one and quickly said ok! You see, with gymnastics, it meets once a week at the same time. No practices that get changed, and no game schedule to guide your life by. It also meets indoors. After starting soccer practices and games in 103 degree temperatures, I was all over a sport that took place inside a climate controlled building. So- we signed up for Gymnastics!
It went much better than soccer. She loved going, and usually had a lot of fun. She did tend to become disinterested by the end of the class each week, but in her defense an hour is a LONG time for a 4 year old to focus on one thing! My favorite part, other than the heat and air inside the building, was seeing her in her cute leotard! A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E

Waiting to go in for class

Wish I was that flexible!
Her favorite part of class was the trampoline, but they didn't get to do that very often. Her class had six 4 year olds in it-whoa. The teacher did her best to keep them all on task, but it was a tough job! But in the end of the 10 weeks, Brenna had a great time. She learned a lot, and exercised a great deal of patience. I was VERY proud of her!!! Through the course of the 10 weeks, MeMawMom, Aunt Emily, Memaw, and her Daddy all came to watch a class! She was very eager to show off for each of them!
This is pretty much how Macie spent the hour each week. I think she may have dreaded that hour each week because she knew it meant sitting in her car seat or being held for an hour...two of her least favorite things.
Head stand!

Love the smile of concentration

Look at that strength!

Other than the trampoline, the rings were her next favorite. She would always hold herself up, and then instead of standing up when she was done, she would just "let go" of the rings and FLOP to the mat! Every. Single. Time.

Tada! She totally mastered this Tada pose!
"Did I hear you say this was the LAST gymnastics class???!!!! YEA!"
Brenna was not nearly as excited about it being over.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Macie Claire Pool

May 11, 2010
Born at 5:23 pm
7lbs 12 oz
20 1/2 inches

Dear Macie,
This post is for you my Little Bear. You light up our day with your sweet smile each morning. I look forward to opening your bedroom door each day because I know you are standing there at the end of your bed just waiting for me to come in and get you. And as soon as I walk in, you start to grin from ear to ear and my heart just melts. I will never forget the day you joined our family to make it complete. I had always heard when you have a second child that your heart just grows and you love more than you ever imagined you could. I wasn't sure how all that worked...until I held you in my arms for the first time.
Daddy and I found out that you were going to be joining our family two days after your sister broke her collar bone. We were thrilled beyond belief! We were so excited that God had once again given us a miracle. Our family of four would finally be complete. Brenna was a little over 2 1/2, and we knew the timing was perfect.
This time around we weren't presented with the opportunity to tell everyone at one big party, so we did it individually. We told MeMawMom and Graddy one night, and Pops and Memaw the next night. On both occasions, we let your Big Sister tell them. It required some coaching on our part to get her to say "I'm gonna be a big sister", but it worked, and they were all VERY excited! Brenna would smile and say she was excited, but I am pretty sure she had absolutely no idea what was going on!
The months that we waited on your arrival were some of the happiest and hardest times of our lives. Daddy and I went through some pretty serious tragedies, the last one being Daddy breaking his arm and being in the hospital for 13 days-one month before your due date! But through all of it, you and Brenna were what got us through. There were many days I would come home and wonder how it was all going to work out and where I was going to find the strength to go on. It would be on those especially hard days that I would cuddle up in bed next to Brenna and feel reassuring kicks from you and I knew all was going to be ok in our world! I spent every day dreaming of how wonderful it was going to be to watch my two daughters grow up together and love each other. I knew that the two of you would have a special bond that only sisters can understand.
Your original due date was scheduled for May 18, but due to your size (and my ever increasing discomfort!), Dr. Robbins decided we would induce on May 11. I will never forget driving home the day we set the date and smiling from ear to ear because I finally knew when I would actually get to see your face and hold you. You had been the light at the end of the tunnel that we had been focusing on for months, and our light was about to become a reality!
We got up early on the morning of the 11th and got everything ready to go to the hospital. We decided to let Brenna stay in bed because it was really early, so Aunt Kim came over to stay with her and take her to Ms Nikki's after she woke up. I knew that her life was about to change drastically, so I wanted the day to be as normal for her as possible. Right before we walked out the door, I had Aunt Kim snap our "headed to the hospital" picture!
The anticipation of finally seeing you was almost more than I could stand!
Graddy and MeMawMom followed us to the hospital so that they could help unload all of our stuff since Daddy still couldn't use his left arm. We decided to take one last pre-Macie picture.
This picture shows what Daddy's arm looked like when you were born. He couldn't move it at all. (I secretly think it was his way to get out of diaper duty!! just kidding of course!)
The day seemed to move pretty slowly. We had lots of company, which I loved! I needed something to take my mind off of the time. Aunt Kristi and Aunt Ashli showed up to keep me company. Lots of people were in and out all day long, so it really made the time go by faster. I kept praying all day that you would come in a more timely fashion than your sister. Apparently God heard my prayer, and you were finally placed in my arms at 5:23pm! It was amazing. I already knew that I loved you, but as soon as I saw your sweet face, I was filled with more emotion than I had ever felt before. I was smiling from ear to ear and bawling at the same time. You had been inside of me for the last 9 months, and you were my constant partner in daily life. You were there with me through all of the obstacles life had thrown at us, and now I was finally looking into the eyes of the little person that had been my light, my hope. You looked up at me and reassured me that everything would be ok. The size of my heart doubled in that very moment. You were 7 pounds and 12 ounces of perfection.

I couldn't wait to introduce you to your sister. I wanted to see my two beautiful girls together. So before anyone else got to see you, Daddy went out and got Brenna and brought her back to meet you. She was instantly in love!

My two little girls
Next, we called for your grandparents to come back and see you. I was one proud Mama as I introduced them to you.

You can totally see the love in their faces! The love was on Graddy's face too, but he was too busy snapping pictures for this photo op!
Pops and Memaw
MeMawMom and Graddy
Everyone couldn't wait to meet you. Our room filled with family and friends very quickly! You were a great sport as everyone passed you around and got to love on you. Mommy was a little more laid back this time around and was willing to share you-for a few minutes. ;)

I love how Daddy can't take his eyes off of you in this picture. You made our family complete.
Our first night together went just as I expected for it to. There was very little sleep that went on, but I was totally ok with that! All I wanted to do was hold you anyway, so that is pretty much what I did. Daddy attempted to get some sleep on the fold out couch, but with his arm that was easier said than done. But he was a really good sport. Even though he was limited in what he could do to help, he was always asking "what can I do?" "What do you need?"  He was (and always is) my rock. I came out of the bathroom at one point that first night, and this is what I found in my bed.....
His elbow didn't bend at all, but he figured out a way to do what needed to be done!
The next morning, Dr. Robbins came by to check on us, so we had to get a picture of her with you! We were so grateful for all she had done for us. My first Dr. quit when I was 7 months pregnant, and I was devastated. But as always, God was watching out for us and we found Dr. Robbins. She was amazing!
Dr. Cynthia Robbins and Macie Claire
I couldn't wait for Brenna to get back to the hospital that next day. She was spending a few days with Aunt Emily and Uncle Joey, so as soon as she got out of CDO, Aunt Emily brought her up to see us. The first thing she said is "I want to hold my sister". Talk about melting a Mommy's heart!! I made sure that I tried to stop whatever I was doing (if possible) and let her hold you any time she asked. I wanted her to feel like a special part of all of this. It was hard at times, because she wanted to hold you a LOT. But it was ok, because I loved to see her look at you and kiss you.
Such a great big sister
This is my #1 favorite picture of the two of you. You can see the pride in Brenna's eyes.
A Family of Four photo op!!!
We had a lot of visitors that day, but there was also a lot of down time too. Daddy and I enjoyed just holding you and getting to know you. I was scared your skin might get irritated from all of the kisses!
You had such a beautiful complexion. I couldn't believe the nurses let you scratch your face while they had you for observation!
The next morning, we were eager to get out of the hospital and get you home. It seemed to take forever for them to come and discharge us. But you were dressed all pretty and ready to go home. You wore the same dress home that Brenna did. I searched high and low for something to bring you home in, but nothing hit me as just right for the occasion. Nina had purchased Brenna's coming home outfit and I already knew it was special, so I decided that is what you would wear. Aunt Kim got your adorable rhinestone shoes. :)

Nina made this blanket especially for you
All loaded up in your car seat and ready to go
Brenna was so excited to get home that afternoon and see you. Of course the first thing she wanted to do was hold you!
We were so glad to have our newest miracle home with us. Every time I look at your smiling face, I am reminded of how awesome our God really is. Daddy and I are so blessed to be allowed to be your parents, and you make each day a wonderful new adventure. Although I know that you and Brenna will occasionally have to share my time, you will NEVER have to share my love. I have an endless supply of love for both of you! You were the perfect piece to complete our puzzle. You make us whole. I love you my little Claire Bear and I am very honored to be your Mommy!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Brenna Grace Pool

January 24, 2007
Born at 9:17 pm
7 lbs 2 oz
19 3/4 inches

Dear Brenna,
This post is for you. The day you were born was the most amazing day of my life. Daddy and I had been impatiently waiting on you for 9 long months. We were so excited when we found out that you were on your way. I had never been that excited about anything before. I am pretty sure that Daddy and I both wore HUGE smiles on our faces for weeks. :) But we decided to keep the reason behind those smiles to ourselves for a week. Aunt Emily and Uncle Joey were getting married in six days, so we decided we would keep our little miracle a secret until after the wedding. That also gave us a great opportunity to tell a lot of people at the same time because we were having a crawfish boil at our house after the wedding. So as everyone was getting ready to dig into some mudbugs, we spilled the beans and announced that your daddy would be getting a very special present for his birthday. (your due date was on his birthday!) Most people just looked at us with a blank face, and MeMawMom was the first to "get it" and started to scream "She's pregnant!" It was too funny!
The next 9 months were a very long wait for us. We were so excited to meet you and see what you looked like. We were very excited to find out that you were going to be a girl. I couldn't wait to start buying pink! We did have a somewhat difficult time agreeing on a name though. I loved the name Bayleigh, but Daddy did not like it at all. He liked the name Brynn, but I didn't like that one because I wanted more than one syllable. We threw many other names around, but there weren't any that we agreed on. After a few weeks of us not being able to agree, I was showing a video to my Parenting class, and one of the babies was named Brenna. I really liked it, and it kind of incorporated the name that Daddy liked too. So that night we discussed it, and amazingly enough- we agreed!! I was so excited that you finally had a name. For a middle name, I sat down at the computer and made a list of middle names that sounded good with Brenna and handed it to Daddy. He picked Grace, which I really loved! To me, the name Brenna Grace had a wonderful ring to it!
When January finally rolled around, we spent every day wondering which day you would choose. We were all convinced that you would be here before the 22nd. But each day ticked on, and no Brenna Grace. Finally the 22nd rolled around, and still no baby. Dr. Miller finally agreed to induce on the 24th. He told us to be there between 6 and 7am. We were so excited that we left our house a little after 5! (for a 3 minute drive to the hospital!)

About to head to the hospital
 We got all checked in, and apparently we were not the only ones that were too excited to sleep.
Graddy and Pops showed up not long after we got there!
The day dragged on and on. I was beginning to think you never would get here! All I could really concentrate on was how HUNGRY I was! :) I put in my food order with Aunt Ashli at about 5pm. I was ready to hold you, but I was also very ready for a cheeseburger and fries from McDonalds!
You finally graced us with your presence at 9:17pm. I am not sure who was crying more-Mommy or Daddy! The first thing I remember hearing Dr. Miller say was "Look at those eyes!"
And I agreed- Look at those eyes!!

Brenna and Dr. Miller
After you were all cleaned up, and we had some time as our new family of 3, we called the waiting room and told them to send the grandparents back. I am pretty sure I heard a stampede as they were running through L&D to get to our room! They were all 4 in love at first sight, just like Mommy and Daddy.
When I looked up, they were all four grinning from ear to ear and crying.
It was the most amazing night of my life. I felt so proud to introduce you to all of the family and friends that were waiting on your arrival. You had quite a fan club assembled in the waiting room! I couldn't stop smiling, and neither could your Daddy. We were in awe that God had blessed us with such an amazing miracle. After everyone finally left, and we got settled in our room (and I had successfully polished off my cheeseburger, fries, and dr pepper), I sent Daddy home to get some rest. The hospital was literally 3 minutes from our house, and I knew he would get more sleep at home than in a hospital chair. I tried to settle in for the night, but my adrenaline was way too active for me to sleep! All I could do was look at you in your little bassinet. I couldn't believe you were finally here and you were MINE! It was the best feeling in the world. I tried to get some sleep, but every time I would drift off I would jump up and check on you to see if you were still breathing! Little did I know that this is how I would spend the next 6 months of your life. I had always heard that there is a "mothering instinct" that kicks in when you have a baby but I never thought much of it. It dawned on me that first night that this is what that instinct is. I needed to know at ALL times that you were ok. It was a good thing that I wasn't tired at all, because there wasn't much sleep going on that night.
The next morning, Daddy showed up bright and early to check on us. He even brought an outfit to dress you in while we were at the hospital. It was an outfit he had picked out a few months earlier. I was so nervous as we tried to put it on you.
You were for sure Worth the Wait!
We had lots of visitors that day. Everyone wanted to see how beautiful you were! We did manage to sneak in a few naps here and there. Daddy even managed to get in some cuddle time with you.
You both slept pretty soundly.
The following morning, we were released to go home. I couldn't wait to get you home with us! I got you all dressed up in the pretty dress that Nina bought for you and the booties and blanket that she made for you. In fact, she was crocheting this pink blanket when I showed up at her house to tell her that I was pregnant! I told her that it was probably a girl because she was making a pink blanket!
Our beautiful baby girl
Headed HOME!!
It felt so good to finally be at home with you. We had waited so long for you and spent so many months preparing to have you at home. Your room was all set up and ready for you.

You looked so tiny in your big bed.

We were very ready to start this new chapter in our lives and assume our new roles as Mommy and Daddy! We knew it would be wonderful, but looking back, we had no idea just HOW wonderful it would be. You bring a smile to our faces every single day. We love you more than we ever thought possible. Because of you, I finally understand the concept of "Unconditional Love".
This poem completely sums up how I feel about you and how you changed my life-for the better! I love you with all my heart, and I am so proud to be your Mommy!!

"Before I Was A Mom"

Before I was a Mom I made and ate hot meals.
I had unstained clothing.
I had quiet conversations on the phone.

Before I was a Mom I slept as late as I wanted.
And never worried about how late I got into bed.
I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

Before I was Mom I cleaned my house each day.
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to lullabies.

Before I was a Mom I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom I had never been puked on, pooped on, spit on, peed on, or pinched by tiny fingers.
Before I was a Mom I had complete control of my mind, my thoughts, my body and all my feelings.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a Mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.

Before I was a Mom I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was OK.
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache or the satisfaction of being a Mom.

I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much......
......before I was a Mom.

...Author Unknown