Thursday, October 19, 2017

Relay for Life Wrap-Up

Relay for life was so much fun this year! And Brenna couldn't wait for the wrap-up party!
She got an award for top fundraising youth!

And since the weather turned bad on the day of relay- they had to postpone the luminary lap as well as the slide show. I was so glad that we got to participate in these!
While walking the luminary lap- we spotted this!
Yall- my Mama heart melted (and rolled down my cheeks)! We have no idea who did this for her- but it was amazing. 
And then the slide show started. I knew I had put in Brenna and Mom's picture... but seeing it on the screen got me. And I got overly emotional when I saw Brenna start to cry. The love in this little girl's heart for her MeMawMom is amazing!
I miss this amazing lady so much. 

I am forever thankful that we were a part of Team Walk by Faith. Brenna had fun and learned a lot this year. But most of all- she learned what it is like to help. And she had a sense of what it is like to help others selflessly. She is going to do great things, and I can't wait to sit back and watch how God uses her.

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