Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Junie B Jones: The Musical

The Sunday after Halloween we had tickets to go see Junie B Jones: The Musical at Casa Manãna. I'm not sure who was more excited- Brenna or Aunt Kim! 
We had it planned for a few weeks, but I didn't tell the girls until the day before. Sometimes it's easier to not have to listen to "how many more days"! (Even though I had to answer that question from Aunt Kim several times..... Some kids never grow up!) ;-) 
But Sunday was finally here and we all got dressed up and picked up Nina and Aunt Kim and headed to go eat at the girls favorite restaurant....Papasitos! 
It was YUMMY! And no trip to Papasitos is complete without tossing some coins in the fountain! 
From there we headed over to our 1:00 show. Except..... I should have taken a second look at the tickets... Because it was a 2:00 show! Oops. So- a trip to Target was in order to kill some time. 
But we finally made our way back to
And Nina and Aunt Kim treated the girls to some cool Junie B light up glasses! 
Sweet girls and their Nina. 
I just love these two. They give me a run for my money some days, but at the end of every day I am thankful that God entrusted them to me. 
And I am also thankful for these two wonderful ladies. I am thankful that they love and support me. And I am thankful that they love my babies. And that my babies love them! 
It was painfully obvious that there was someone missing from our fun day out. In fact, I had myself a little breakdown that morning and just got flat out MAD. Mom should be going with us. These type of girls days were her most favorite thing. But then I had to stop, breathe, and remember how thankful I am for the numerous times that she WAS with us! So many memories were made. So much fun was had. And those memories are what makes it all ok. And what would SHE want us to do now? She would want us to go and have fun with her girls and make sure that they had the best day ever. So- that's exactly what we did. We forged through- and had a great time being together. 
After the musical (where Macie begged every 3 minutes to just leave), we went to the mall for ice cream! Because no girls day out is complete without ICE CREAM! 
And since we were already at our favorite place- we decided to go for a little ride on the animals! 
I rode with Macie so that I didn't have to walk beside her the whole time. I think I had just as much fun as the kids! 
Crazy kid! 
Aunt Kim eventually took over the picture taking. 
It was a great day! We enjoyed the musical. But most of all we enjoyed the day with our Nina and Aunt Kim! Nothing can take the place of time spent with family. 

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