Monday, June 1, 2015

2nd grade Talent Show & Awards

Last Thursday Brenna had her first talent show. Unfortunately I had a class that morning and had to sign exemptions, so I couldn't go to the Talent show. But I heard they did great. She and some friends danced to "Shake It Off". 
But I did get my class covered so I could go to the awards. It was a surprise to her, so I had one super excited girl on my hands! 
I was glad I ended up
Getting to go, because she got the Golden Paw award! That is just like the student of the six weeks. Each 6 weeks the award stands for something different. This six weeks the award was for integrity. I was so proud of her! 
The look on her face shows how excited she was too! She also got perfect attendance- which was kind of odd since she missed the Thursday before due to a fever. But I guess they cut off absences before that. 
Sweet girl! I am so proud of her. She has a heart of gold, and the soul of a 40 year old. Integrity describes her perfectly. 

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