I've spent the last 3 years focusing on what needed to be done for her. And I would do it all over again for her. Just to feel her cheek one more time.
But- alas- she's gone on to better things. And I'm left with just pictures. And memories. But those memories are oh so sweet! I think we have taken like a hundred selfies and bed selfies over the last months! I never missed an opportunity to crawl up in the bed with her or take a selfie! 

Even on the very day she spread her wings and flew home to her perfect body- I was camera happy while I enjoyed our final moments. 

She was amazing. She loved me, and she loved her girls. And we loved her.
The girls have been very confused. Brenna did a lot of crying. Macie is just mad. She says frequently "I don't want MeMawMom to go to heaven!" It breaks my heart. A few memories from this week that I want to remember....
*When the girls got to Moms house last Wednesday, I had her clothes laid out on the bed. I told the girls that I was taking those clothes for MeMawMom to wear. Macie tilted her head and asked "Are you going to drive them ALL the way to heaven?" :)
*i asked Brenna if she understood that MeMawMoms body was in the casket but not her spirit. She said she understood that. I asked if she knew what a spirit was, she said "yes mom! It's like a ghost. But it's nice!"
*Brenna told everyone on her Sunday School that when you die, your spirit, your heart, and your brain goes to heaven.
*macie carries around the funeral program with moms picture on it non stop. It melts me and breaks my heart at the same time.
* last night, Brenna said "Life is just hard without MeMawMom."
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