The roads were ok- until I got to 920. Then things took s turn. It got SLICK! I kept going back and forth on whether I could make it to work or not. But by the time I got to north main, I had decided it wouldn't happen! Then I saw a car in a light pole. So I called into work and drove home. It was a LONG drive! I was so thankful to walk into my house!!!! This is what my yard looked like by the time I got home.....
School ended up canceling, and Josh went and got Brenna. It was a fun day at home!! Brenna, Macie and Carter had a blast!!

We even made snow ice cream!
And broke out the dominoes....
And Brenna, Carter, Sarah and I ended our night in the hot tub!
Today was spent resting. Brenna decided to check out the glazed snow this morning in her jommies! Crazy kid!!
This afternoon, we decided to re-enter the snow again!
This kid has no fear!
After we came in, showered and cleaned up our messes (aka toys) we made another round of snow ice cream! Sprinkles for Macie, and chocolate for Brenna!
Now we are all curled up in the living room with popcorn and pickles enjoying a season of Full House!
I've enjoyed being home, but this chick is ready to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!! I don't do well having to stay home like this. I have been forced to get some much needed rest. But I need out of here. And so do these kiddos! Because I seriously considered putting them up for sale earlier! Don't be fooled by the sweet ice cream and popcorn pictures..... Those show two brief moments where they weren't fighting or whining. Because no one wanted to see pictures of that. Trust me- it wasn't pretty! :)
Here's to hoping this frozen mess melts tomorrow so that we can cary on with our plans to have dinner with Nina, Aunt Kim, Kyson and Graddy!!!!