Sometime in February, Brenna started telling me we were going to go see Toy Story LIVE, just like we did Barney LIVE a few months earlier. I knew that Toy Story wasn't going to do a concert at NOKIA like Barney did, so I tried to kind of brush off the comments she would make with my famous phrase "We'll see".
Well, later in the month, much to my surprise, I got an email from Ticketmaster telling me they were running a special on tickets for Toy Story 3 On Ice (aka..LIVE!) at the end of March. I was almost giggling at my computer while I ordered tickets! Josh said he would stay home with Macie so that Brenna and I could have a "date night". (what an awesome Daddy he truly is!) I decided not to tell Brenna right away because a month is an eternity in the mind of a 4 year old.
I finally told her the week of the show, and she was just as excited as I had hoped she would be! And when I also told her that we were going to get to ride the train to get there...WOW- her excitement went off the charts! She talked about it non stop. I was a little concerned because she and I had both been VERY sick the week before, but it all seemed to work out just fine.
The day of the show, we got dressed and ready and kissed Daddy and Macie goodbye and we were off! She talked non-stop all the way to the train station in North Richland Hills (hard to believe- I know). We even stopped and picked up some McDonalds for dinner so that we could eat it on the train.
Brenna kept telling me that we were going to ride the Polar Express Train. She was convinced that it was the same train. (man I love the way her sweet mind works).
Proudly displaying her Polar Express Train ticket! |
When our train got there, we boarded, and Brenna decided we needed to sit on the top level. Since it was our special night, she pretty much got to pick whatever she wanted. ;) So we climbed up and found some seats with a table so that we could eat our dinner. Brenna was in heaven. She sat and looked out the window almost the whole ride. I was so proud of her.
She smiled for the picture, but was WAY too excited to look away from the window. |
Isn't that the sweetest grin, EVER??!! |
My date for the evening! |
When we got to American Airlines Center, we were pretty much at the front door when we climbed off of the train. (the train is the ONLY way to go to AA). I did just fine..until we walked inside the door. Holy...MOLY...the people. I have never seen that many people running in different directions in my life. It was total madness. I was SOO thankful that I wasn't trying to accomplish this night with Brenna and Macie. I would never have made it. I had to remind myself several times that we were there to have fun and that I was doing this to enjoy some time with Brenna! And, well, that's exactly what I did! I enjoyed every minute. Our first stop was Cotton Candy. She had told me we were going to eat cotton candy and popcorn since the day I told her about the tickets! I knew I wasn't going to spend a fortune on silly toys that we could buy at Wal Mart for a third of the price, so food was our treat!
And when you buy the $11 bag of cotton candy...they throw in this FREE hat! |
I will admit however, that I ate as much of the cotton candy as she did. :) |
The show was really good. I enjoyed it as much as she did! And I really enjoyed watching her face through the entire show. There is nothing I enjoy more in life than watching my kids enjoy something. It fills my heart to overflowing.
The aliens and the green army men were MY favorite. Brenna loved Buzz and Woody of course. |
The show ran until almost 10, so Brenna was super tired by the time it was over. I thought she was going to go to sleep about 30 minutes before it was over, but with a little help from some popcorn and Dr. Pepper, she was good to go till the end.
Headed home on the train. |
The train ride home was pretty quiet. Brenna watched out the window for a few minutes, and then came to sit by me. She snuggled for a few minutes, then eventually made her way into my lap and put her head on my shoulder. I knew at that point that it was all over for her. She slept until we were almost back to NRH. I had to wake her up because I knew there was no way I could go down the stairs of the train and carry a 4 year old along with her blankey and our stuff. :( She wasn't happy about waking up, but managed to walk down the stairs (with her eyes only partly open). By the time we got to the car, she was awake. She managed to fight sleep again until we were about 5 minutes from home. When we pulled into the drive way, this was the view in my back seat...
Poor baby. |
We had a BLAST though! I absolutely LOVE to spend time with my girls. I treasure every memory we are able to make together, and look forward to making many many more!!!
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