What a great Easter we had! Brenna really started to understand the meaning of Easter, and Macie was old enough to actually enjoy her first Easter.
The Easter season kicked off with our Giggle Snaps Easter picture session. I first did this with Brenna for her second Easter. It was so much fun, and the pictures were so cute!
Besides the one incident with her holding a poor innocent chick by it's neck, the session went well. She smiled, laughed, and looked AT the camera. Man..I had no clue how easy it was with only one child. Photo sessions are no longer that easy, nor are they fun. I love having the pictures for keep-sakes, but it stresses me out and makes me want to hang both of my children by their toes! Getting two kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time is pretty close to impossible. However, I have to admit that Tiffany does a great job, and despite the unwillingness of my children to cooperate, she manages to get some good pictures!
Giggle Snaps Easter session 2011:
Macie wanted NOTHING to do with the animals. It is a miracle we got her to sit next to this one for so long. |
That plastic yellow egg sure did help! |
And just to ensure that I was completely insane, we decided to add a third kiddo to the mix. Emily and I decided that it would be SO cute to have a picture of all three kiddos. And I still hold to the thought that it would be SO cute! It was also SO stressful. We could have won a prize on America's Funniest Home Videos if someone had videoed me, Emily, MeMawMom, and Memaw all making goofy faces, singing, yelling,jumping up and down and making very strange noises just to try and get three uninterested children to look at the camera and smile. But yet again, Tiffany did her magic, and we managed to get a decent picture of the three kiddos together! I know that they are all capable of bigger and much cuter smiles, but we did what we could with what we had to work with. And I think it turned out pretty cute! The basket that the babies are in is the same basket Brenna sat in during her first Easter photo shoot. :)
I love these three with all my heart! My prayer is that they grow up to be the best of friends and remain very close. |
Quail Springs Ranch Egg Hunt
Quail Springs Ranch is where our new land is and where our new house will be (hopefully in the near future). They have a super neat HOA, and set up a egg hunt for all of the kiddos in QSR on Saturday. Josh and I got an email about it and decided that it would be a great way to meet people, so we took the girls.
It was wonderful. We had a great time, and met some super nice people. They had it at one of the home of one of our future neighbors, and they had three age group areas set up and had a "prize" egg for each kid. Brenna had fun running around and playing on the swings, and really enjoyed the hunt. Macie was very content with one egg-that was all she needed!
Helping her sister! Sweet moments do happen...rarely, but they DO happen! |
Go Brenna Go! |
She found one egg, then sat down and opened it and proceeded to try to eat the chocolate candy inside...wrapper and all! |
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Brenna and Daddy checking out the goodies! |
After the hunt, they told each kid that if they had found a "prize egg" they could go and pick a toy from the prize table. And since they ensured that each kid got a prize egg, they all got to pick a prize! It was such a neat set up! Brenna is currently obsessed with the movie Tangled, so she picked a little plastic blow dryer/hair accessory set. Macie got a white bunny.
This was the best we could do for a picture of the two of them. They were tired and just wanted to go run around and play. Sitting for a picture was not high on the priority list. :) |
Saturday Night Family Dinner
We had originally planned to get together with the Jackson clan to celebrate Easter on Saturday night, but the week was filled with many wild fires at PK, so Jeff was still there helping out. We decided to postpone until we could all be together.
Since that was canceled, Josh and I decided to have our parents and Joey and Emily over to let the kids hunt eggs and enjoy some family time and dinner. Luckily, we talked Nana and Papa into joining us too! We had to rush the egg hunt because of some pretty big storms that appeared to be heading our way. They never hit at our house, but they sure looked bad on the radar. :( We enjoyed the hunt anyway, and enjoyed seeing Brenna, Macie, and Wyatt all together with their Easter baskets! Brenna was super excited to hunt eggs again. Macie was excited to chew on her basket handle. And Wyatt....well...he was just trying to figure the whole thing out!
Macie needed both of her hands free to help with her balance, so she decided her best approach was to hold the basket in her mouth! Such a resourceful little thing! |
She just wanted to hold the egg. She must have heard that it is never a good idea to put all of your eggs in one basket. Smart girl. |
Brenna didn't have much competition at this hunt, but she had fun anyway! |
Wyatt: So Macie, have you heard about this bunny that is supposed to come to our houses tonight while we sleep and leave presents? I have to admit, it kind of freaks me out. Think I might just stay up all night to make sure he doesn't try to sneak into my room or anything tricky.
Macie: Maybe he will bring me some SNACKS!! I LOVE snacks! |
Teething much? |
Once again, getting 3 kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time...not happening. Not sure why we even try. We were just happy we had 3 kids IN one picture, and none of them were crying! :) |
Easter Sunday
I can't believe we made it to church on Easter Sunday with absolutely no pictures of all 4 of us. We didn't even manage to get one of just the girls. :( But we know how cute they looked in their Easter dresses because of the adorable Giggle Snaps pictures, so I am not too upset that we didnt' manage to get one on Easter.
Brenna was so excited about the Easter Bunny, that she was up at 6:30 am. I managed to hold her off until 7, but after that, the anticipation was about to kill her. So we let her go check out her goodies, even though Macie was still sound asleep.
Getting her first look at her loot! |
Both girls got matching PJ's and Gerber snacks! Yep, Gerber snacks. Brenna LOVES them, and I have to work overtime to keep her out of Macie's Gerber puffs! So the Easter Bunny brought her her own!
Macie got a refrigerator magnet set with the alphabet letters.
Brenna got a Rapunzel Barbie, and she was sooo happy! |
Showing off her Rapunzel Barbie. |
Silly girl! |
As well as not getting any family pictures of us on Easter morning, I also failed to get a picture of Macie checking out her Easter basket. Bad Bad Mom! But she did LOVE it! She loves refrigerator magnets, and the set she got sings songs for each letter. She can clear all 26 letters of the alphabet off of the refrigerator in seconds, and she giggles the whole time!
After church, we went to MeMawMom and Graddy's for burgers. And what would a trip to a grandparent's house on Easter be without another egg hunt?? Macie decided to sit this one out. She was getting tired and hungry, and when you are 11 months old, that is not a good combination.
There is really no need to rush around or get in any kind of hurry when you are the only one hunting eggs. |
She colored them herself, but still had to admire the beautiful artwork on each one as she picked it up! |
After lunch, we took Brenna over to the Farmer's to do one last egg hunt. Macie was napping, so we let her stay with MeMawMom. Hunting at the Farmer's was way more fun because there were lots of other kiddos there, and lots of room to hunt. Brenna actually had to exert a little energy for this hunt, because she had competition! :)
Run Brenna! |
Aunt Kristi shows Brenna where more eggs are. |
This was the only shot I got all afternoon with all 3 kids in it...yep- that's Blain's shoulder in the bottom left! |
Overall, it was a great Easter! The girls had a blast, and we enjoyed seeing them have fun. Next year will be even better when Macie is out there running around too!