Months ago we had planned to have a big Johnson family Christmas at our house this year. But after Aunt Susan was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and had her surgery right after Thanksgiving, with a set back a few days later, and Uncle Dave falling off of a horse and injuring himself pretty badly, it became obvious that our plans were not to be. We were all upset that we couldn't be together, but our main wish was for Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave to both get better.
It was eventually decided that the Holts and Abners would still come to our house to spend two days with us and then head up to Oklahoma for the day to check in on Mimi, Aunt Susan and Uncle Dave. It was a hectic schedule for them, but gave us all some time together.
There were two little girls who were beyond excited to see their Aunt Bit!!! And she was equally as thrilled to see them! They didn't waste any time taking her for a ride on their new go cart.
They also took anyone else who was willing to go for a ride- but I was inside making cookies and enchiladas for dinner! And if Mama is busy- there are no pictures. Next time I will order pizza and be outside where the action is! There was also a moment when I looked up and saw Taron, Nolan and Grayson on the buggy going through our back yard and then down the street! Lots of fun to be had in the country for sure!
After dinner, I caught all of the guys outside sitting at the picnic table...aka- the USS Josh!
I love this group of guys! Some of them products of Bob Johnson, and the rest of them soaked up as much of him as they could during the time they had. Each one of them wonderful men...just as my Papaw was. But don't let these smiles fool you- as soon as I walked outside with the camera, they all got really quiet and quit talking until I went back inside. So- they are just as ornery as Bob Johnson was too!!
A fire in the fire pit was next up.
What do you do when all the chairs are taken? Pull up a wheel barrow of course! |
Oh how I wish we could all sit around like this more often. My heart was so full. |
But the smack talk soon started, and before I knew it we were setting up the tables for spoons!!!
A few things happened during this game that are note worthy...
*Brenna backed away from the table with tears in her eyes after the first round of grabbing spoons because we scared her so bad!
*I think we may have scared Macie and Mrs. Jackie too- who were innocent bystanders.
*I broke a nail.
*Aunt Bit and I broke the plastic holder on my rainbow while fighting over a spoon.
*Oh- and we broke a table. Yep. Broke it.
*And last but not least- we laughed until we were all sweating and crying!
I believe all of these pictures deserve to be remembered...
Josh ON the table... |
Grayson and Anna Catherine and Nolan ON the table. Did I mention that we BROKE the table?? |
It always comes down to these two... |
We are such a laid back and relaxed group....NOT! |
Cards everywhere! |
Taron ON the table. But this was the one we didn't break. Nolan was the winner....again. |
On Thursday, we all got up and had a big and yummy breakfast. Dad and Kathy eventually joined us, and the guys made plans to go shooting. (because I am sure it says somewhere in the Bible that "when two or more Johnson boys are gathered, they must shoot." I think it is in Hezikyah.)
But before we could turn the boys loose with their toys...we had some presents to open.
Thank you Mimi for her shirt! |
Aunt Susan had special gifts for us all, but since she couldn't be there, we skyped her into the party! She made us all memory bags with different memories. Pieces of Papaw's shirt, broaches and other items that belonged to different family members, and prayer beads inside that were made from beads she collected from all of us. It was so neat!!! She put a lot of time into it, and we all treasure them. Now I know why she wanted some of Mom's necklaces.. :) |
A picture to show Mimi the shirt "she" got her for Christmas! |
My sweet Bear. |
Graddy and Jakers |
The puzzle girls!!! |
2/3 of my heart right here! |
I love my Daddy beyond WOW. |
Proof that you are never too old to sit in your Daddy's lap! |
After we finished with presents, they guys left as quickly as possible. Because...guns!
Us girls decided we needed to go check out the new Funky Munky sno cones in town!
So we went by and picked up Mrs. Jackie so that she could join in on the fun..
And headed for sno December!
That evening we all just hung out at the house and enjoyed each other. The guys sat by the fire, Grayson bonded with Kitty Kitty...who he renamed Esse...
And us girls had a movie night upstairs. We watched Elf and ate popcorn and pickles. Just as Brenna and Macie requested!
It was a great visit, but it ended all too soon. I will say though, that we managed to cram as much fun as humanly possible into two days together!!
I love this group so very much! And enjoy every minute that we are gifted together.
If only the rest of the clan were in this picture too... NEXT YEAR for sure!!!!